A Filemaker adapter for DataMapper, allowing DataMapper to use Filemaker Server as a datastore.
dm-filemaker-adapter uses the ginjo-rfm gem as the backend command and xml parser. Ginjo-rfm is a full featured filemaker-ruby adapter that exposes most of Filemaker's xml interface functionality in ruby. dm-filemaker-adapter doesn't tap into all of rfm's features, but rather, it provides DataMapper the ability to use Filemaker Server as a backend datastore. Most of the basic functionality of DataMapper's interface is supported, including compound queries and 'or' queries (using Filemaker's -findquery command), validations, associations, query operators like>something
, lazy-loading where possible, first & last record, aggregate queries, ranges, field mapping, and more.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'dm-filemaker-adapter'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install dm-filemaker-adapter
# ruby
adapter: 'filemaker',
host: '',
account_name: 'my-user-name',
password: 'xxxxxxxxxx',
database: 'db-name'
DataMapper.setup(:default, DB_CONFIG)
class User
include DataMapper::Resource
# Name the filemaker layout representing the table you're modeling.
storage_names[:default] = 'user_xml'
# Property & field names are case-sensitive.
property :id, Serial
property :username, String, :length => 128, :unique => true, :required => true,
:default => lambda {|r,v| r.instance_variable_get :@email}
property :email, String, :length => 128, :unique => true, :required => true, :format=>:email_address
property :updated_at, DateTime, :field=>'ModifiedAtTimestamp'
property :encrypted_password, BCryptPassword
has n, :orders
class Order
include DataMapper::Resource
storage_names[:default] = 'order_xml'
property :id, Serial
property :user_id, Integer
property :status, String
belongs_to :user
# create record
user = User.create(:email => '[email protected]', :username => 'abc')
# create associated record>'draft')
# get a specific user id
User.get '1035'
# first record that matches exactly 'name'
User.first :username => 'name'
# all records updated since 3 days ago
User.all =>*24*60*60
# records 10 thru 20, ordered by :id (the range is resolved by filemaker, before records are returned!)
User.all(:order => :id)[10..20]
# filter associated records
# use the union operator to create 2 find requests in a filemaker 'OR' operation
User.all(:email => '[email protected]', => '1/1/1980') | \
User.all(:username => 'abc', => '1/1/1980')
# which gets translated to the filemaker query
User.find [
{:email => '[email protected]', :activated_at => '>1/1/1980'},
{:username => 'abc', => '>1/1/1980'}
# use the intersection operator to combine multiple search criteria in a filemaker 'AND' operation
User.all(:email => '[email protected]', => '1/1/2015') & \
User.all(:email => '[email protected]', => '5/1/2015')
# you can also write this as
User.all(:email => '[email protected]', => '1/1/2015', => '5/1/2015')
# both of the above get translated to the filemaker query
User.find(:email => '[email protected]', :activated_at => '>1/1/2015 <5/1/2015')