
Key features:

Objects are reflective of API results. Future field changes to the API are automatically accounted for.

  • Full CRUD to Projects
  • Full CRUD to Tasks
  • Full CRUD to Notes
  • Full CRUD to Comments
  • Full CRUD to Projects
  • Read access to Alerts
  • Read access to Workspaces
  • Read access to User
  • macRuby compatibility

Todo: i.e. Notable issues and limitations:

  • Nothing requiring the use of Client-Credential Grant type / Provisioning Scope is functional. Primarily this means you cannot create new workspaces, invite someone to a workspace, or Create a new user
  • Put/Update calls to Task resource are not fully reflective as full reflection of the object back to currently closes the task automatically.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'dobedobedo'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install dobedobedo


Dobedobedo is modeled on the notion of establishing a secure connection and establishing model objects that reflect your workspaces, projects, tasks, comments, etc. As such, usage is pretty simple.

require 'dobedobedo' # please do this with the bundler.
include Dobedobedo   # gives you access to the top level models.

#Dobedobedo does not use the web-flow for oAuth integration, instead relying on username and password, in 
# conjunction with the oAuth client id / secret
connection = => 'Your Client Id', 
                                        :client_secret => 'Your Client Secret', 
                                        :username => 'Your Email Address', 
                                        :password => 'Your Passsord Here')
#by_name is an alias to find_workspace_by_name
workspace = connection.by_name('workspace name here') 

#array of Dobedobedo::Project objects reflecting each of the projects
projects = workspace.projects

#array of task objects from the first project in the workspace
projects.first.tasks # you could also use projects[2].tasks to get the tasks from the third project of the 
             # workspace selected above.

#This will grab the first task of the first project of the workspace selected.
task = projects.first.tasks.first = 'new name' #give the task a new name
task.description = 'this is a new description of awesomeness'
task.closed = True #mark the task as done


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request