
Sample Usage

master_connection ='')

 # Manager node intializes swarm
swarm_init_options = {
"ListenAddr" => "",
swarm = Docker::Swarm::Swarm.init(swarm_init_options, master_connection)

expect(swarm).to_not be nil

nodes = Docker::Swarm::Node.all({}, master_connection)
expect(nodes.length).to eq 1

 # Worker joins swarm
worker_connection ='')
swarm.join(worker_ip, worker_connection)

 # Gather all nodes of swarm
nodes = Docker::Swarm::Node.all({}, master_connection)

 # Create a network which connect services
network = Docker::Swarm::Network.create(network_name, opts = {}, master_connection)

 # Create a service with 5 replicas
service_create_options = {
    "Name" => "nginx",
    "TaskTemplate" => {
      "ContainerSpec" => {
        "Networks" => [],
        "Image" => "nginx:1.11.7",
        "Mounts" => [
        "User" => "root"
      "Env" => ["TEST_ENV=test"],
      "LogDriver" => {
        "Name" => "json-file",
        "Options" => {
          "max-file" => "3",
          "max-size" => "10M"
       "Placement" => {},
       "Resources" => {
         "Limits" => {
           "MemoryBytes" => 104857600
         "Reservations" => {
      "RestartPolicy" => {
        "Condition" => "on-failure",
        "Delay" => 1,
        "MaxAttempts" => 3
    "Mode" => {
      "Replicated" => {
        "Replicas" => 5
    "UpdateConfig" => {
      "Delay" => 2,
      "Parallelism" => 2,
      "FailureAction" => "pause"
    "EndpointSpec" => {
      "Ports" => [
          "Protocol" => "tcp",
          "PublishedPort" => 80,
          "TargetPort" => 80
    "Labels" => {
      "foo" => "bar"

service = Docker::Swarm::Service.create(service_create_options, master_connection)

 # Retrieve all manager nodes of swarm
manager_nodes = swarm.manager_nodes

 # Retrieve all worker nodes (that aren't managers)
worker_nodes = swarm.worker_nodes

 # Drain a worker node - stop hosting tasks/containers of services
worker_node = worker_nodes.first

 # Gather all tasks (containers for service) being hosted by the swarm cluster
tasks = Docker::Swarm::Task.all({}, master_connection)

 # Scale up or down the number of replicas on a service

 # Worker leaves the swarm - no forcing
Docker::Swarm::Swarm.leave(false, worker_connection)

 # Manager leaves the swarm - forced because manager's need to force the issue.
Docker::Swarm::Swarm.leave(true, master_connection)