Documentrix - Ruby library for embedding vector database


The Ruby library, Documentrix, is designed to provide a way to build and query vector databases for applications in natural language processing (NLP) and large language models (LLMs). It allows users to store and retrieve dense vector embeddings for text strings.

Installation (gem & bundler)

To install Documentrix, you can use the following methods:

Using the gem command

Type gem install documentrix in your terminal.

Using Bundler

Add the line gem 'documentrix' to your Gemfile and run bundle install in your terminal.


In your own software the library can be used as shown in this example:

# Require necessary libraries: ollama-ruby and documentrix
require 'ollama'
require 'documentrix'

# Initialize an Ollama client instance, pointing to a local server
ollama = 'http://localhost:11434')

# Create a new Documentrix documents instance
documents =
  ollama: ollama,
  model: 'mxbai-embed-large',
  collection: 'my-collection',
  cache: Documentrix::Documents::SQLiteCache

# Split sample text into individual chunks using recursive character splitting
splitter =
text     = "hay hay hay…" # Sample text data
chunks   = splitter.split(text)

# Search the document collection for matching records
query   = "What needles can you find in a haystack" # Search query
records = documents.find_where(
  prompt: 'Represent this sentence for searching relevant passages: %s',
  text_size: 4096,
  text_count: 10


The homepage of this library is located at


Documentrix was written by Florian Frank


This software is licensed under the MIT license.