Class: Domkey::View::CheckboxGroup

OptionSelectableGroup show all
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CheckboxGroup allows you to interact with PageObjectCollection of checkboxes as a single PageObject. Acts like OptionSelectable Checkboxes collection is constrained by the same name attribute Behaves like a multi Select list. It can have none, one or more options selected

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes included from Widgetry::Package

#container, #package

Method Summary

Methods inherited from OptionSelectableGroup

#before_set, #each, #options_by, #options_by_default, #set_by_index, #set_by_label, #set_by_value, #to_a, #to_labeled, #value_by_default, #value_by_options

Methods included from OptionSelectable

#options, #set, #value

Methods inherited from PageObjectCollection

#[], #each

Methods included from Widgetry::Package

#element, #initialize