The new Doppler CLI is exceptionally light and fast, and is provided as a binary to support environments without node. Migrate today by visiting our installation documentation.

Doppler Ruby Library

contributions welcome image Codacy Badge

The Doppler Ruby library provides convenient access to the Doppler API from applications written for only server-side code.


Install the gem with:

gem install doppler


The package needs to be configured with your account's api key which is available in your Doppler account, pipeline identifier and the environment name:

Environment Variables Required

Please add these environment variables to your .env file in the root directory or on your infra provider.

DOPPLER_ENVIRONMENT = <Environment Name>

Lookup Priority

Doppler will look for these variables in 3 places with the following priority:

  1. Passed in as initialization arguments
  2. Read from environment variables
  3. Read from .env file

Install with Environment Variables

This installation method will expect the DOPPLER_API_KEY, DOPPLER_PIPELINE, DOPPLER_ENVIRONMENT as environment variables.

require "doppler"

# Rest of Application

Install with ENV File

This installation method will expect the DOPPLER_API_KEY, DOPPLER_PIPELINE, DOPPLER_ENVIRONMENT in a .env file.

require "doppler"

Doppler.configure do |config|
  config.env_filepath = ".env"   # Defaults to ".env"

# Rest of Application

Install with Arguments

This installation method will expect the api_key, pipeline, environment as arguments.

require "doppler"

Doppler.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = ENV["DOPPLER_API_KEY"]
  config.pipeline = ENV["DOPPLER_PIPELINE"]
  config.environment = ENV["DOPPLER_ENVIRONMENT"]

# Rest of Application

Key Best Practices

So if Doppler stores my environment variables, where should I keep my Doppler API keys?

That is a great question! We recommend storing your DOPPLER_API_KEY, DOPPLER_PIPELINE, and DOPPLER_ENVIRONMENT in a .env file or with your infra provider. That means the only variables you should be storing in your local environment are the Doppler keys. All other variables should be be fetched by the Doppler client.

Disable Overriding Environment Variables

If you would like to disable overriding environment variables, use this follow field.

Doppler.configure do |config|
  config.override = false

doppler =

# Rest of Your Application
example_variable = doppler.get("EXAMPLE_VARIABLE")

Ignoring Specific Variables

In the case you would want to ignore specific variables from Doppler, say a port set by Heroku, you can add it the ignore_variables field.

Doppler.configure do |config|
  config.ignore_variables = ["PORT"]

Fallback to Backup

The Doppler client accepts a backup_filepath on init. If provided the client will write the Doppler variables to a backup file. If the Doppler client fails to connect to our API endpoint (very unlikely), the client will fallback to the variables provided in the backup file.

Doppler.configure do |config|
  config.backup_filepath = "./backup.env"

Extra Information