
This library provides objects for talking to some of the data available in Dopplr, The Social Atlas. It is essentially a multi-user wrapping of the Dopplr API, with each object being bound to a client.


First things first

Require the Dopplr library and create a Dopplr::Client instance. Return a login URL for the user to obtain a token, store the token for that user.

require 'dopplr'

client =             #=> #<Dopplr::Client:0x578208 ...>
client. ""  #=> ""

Now that you have a single-use token, assign it to the Dopplr::Client object and generate a session token.

client.token = '1a2b3c4d5e6f'     #=> '1a2b3c4d5e6f'
client.create_session             #=> '3c4d5e6f1a2b'

Instantiating and returning data from objects

All Dopplr objects are created using the client as a base.

mike      = client.traveller      #=> Dopplr::Traveller for the token holder
chicago   = 4887398   #=> Dopplr::City for ID 4887398
montreal  = mike.home_city        #=> Dopplr::City for mike's home city
trip      = mike.trips.first      #=> Dopplr::Trip for mike's first trip

Return some basic information about each object.      #=> "Canada"
montreal.timezone     #=> "America/Montreal"
montreal.localtime    #=> Wed Jul 22 09:30:15 2009

chicago.url           #=> ""
chicago.latitude      #=> 41.85
chicago.longitude     #=> -87.6501             #=> "Mike Richards"
mike.status           #=> "is at home in Montreal"
mike.travel_today     #=> false        #=> "Calgary"
trip.start            #=> Sat Feb 16 00:00:00 2008
trip.return_transport #=> "plane"

Get trips and fellows for a particular traveller.

mike.trips            #=> [#<Dopplr::Trip:0x56f4a0 ...>, ...]

mike.fellows          #=> {:can_see_trips_of => [#<Dopplr::Traveller:0x570954 ...>, ...],
                           :shows_trips_to => [#<Dopplr::Traveller:0x59e8b1 ...> ...]}

Return a new Dopplr::City object without knowing the geoname_id (I'm feeling lucky).

portland = client.find_city "Portland"      #=> "United States"
portland.geoname_id   #=> 5746545

Working with and creating new trip data

Plan a new trip to Portland, OR.

portland.add_trip('2010-01-12', '2010-01-19')
portland_trip = mike.future_trips.last

portland_trip.start           #=> Tue Jan 12 00:00:00 2010   #=> 45.5235

Add some tags and a note to your trip.

portland_trip.add_tags :work, :meetup
portland_trip.add_note "Staying for a week, then heading back home."

Trip got canceled? Delete it.
