
Dopv orchestrates deployments of nodes. A node can be a virtual machine or a bare-metal compute node.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'dopv'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install dopv



Deploy a plan

require 'dopv'
plan = ::Dopv::load_plan(plan_file)
data_volumes_db = ::Dopv::load_data_volumes_db(db_file)
::Dopv::run_plan(plan, data_volumes_db)

Undeploy a plan while keeping data volumes

require 'dopv'
plan = ::Dopv::load_plan(plan_file)
data_volumes_db = ::Dopv::load_data_volumes_db(db_file)
::Dopv::run_plan(plan, data_volumes_db, :undeploy)

Undeploy a plan and remove data volumes from infrastructure provider (stack) as well as from persistent data volumes DB:

require 'dopv'
plan = ::Dopv::load_plan(plan_file)
data_volumes_db = ::Dopv::load_data_volumes_db(db_file)
::Dopv::run_plan(plan, data_volumes_db, :undeploy, true)


A command line interface utility dopv is provided.

Getting help

A help can be obtained by calling dopv --help:

$ dopv --help
    dopv - DOPv command line tool

    dopv [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


    --help                    - Show this message
    --log_dir=LOGDIR          - Directory for the log files (default: $home/.dop/log)
    --log_level, -l LOGLEVEL  - Log level for the logfiles (default: DEBUG)
    --plan_store_dir, -s DIR  - Specify the directory where the plans and their state will be stored (default: $home/.dop/cache)
    --[no-]trace, -t          - Show stacktrace on crash
    --verbosity, -v Verbosity - Verbosity of the command line tool (default: INFO)
    --version                 - Display the program version

    add      - Add a new plan file to the plan store
    deploy   - Deploy a plan.
    export   - Export the internal data disks state into a local file
    help     - Shows a list of commands or help for one command
    import   - Import data disks from a file into internal state store of the given plan
    list     - List plans stored in the plan store
    refresh  - Refresh a plan.
    remove   - Remove existing plan from the plan store
    undeploy - Undeploy a plan.
    update   - Update the plan and/or the plan state for a given plan yaml or plan name.
    validate - Validate a plan file.

Validating a plan

The deployment plan /tmp/foo_plan.yml could be validated by issuing:

$ dopv validate -p /tmp/foo_plan.yml
Plan valid.

Please note that the plan is always validated before any action takes place.

Adding a plan

In order to add a plan to plan cache, use dopv add command:

$ dopv add /tmp/bar_plan.yml

Please note that this feature is considered experimental and should be used with extreme care.

Updating a plan

In order to update a plan in the cache after some local changes have been introduced, use dopv update command:

$ dopv update /tmp/bar_plan.yml

One may use -c or -i in order to remove the existing disk information and start with a clean state or to ignore the update and to merely set it to the latest version.

Please note that this feature is considered experimental and should be used with extreme care.

Listing plans in cache

One may use the list command to check which plans are stored in the plan cache.

Deploying a plan

To get a help on deploy CLI options launch dopv help deploy argument:

$ dopv help deploy
    deploy - Deploy a plan

    dopv [global options] deploy [command options]

    --diskdb, -d path_to_db_file                                             - Use a local diskdb file and import/export it automatically (default: none),,/example\.com$/    - Exclude this nodes from the run (default: )
    --exclude_nodes_by_config='{"var1": ["val1", "/val2/"], "var2": "val2"}' - Exclude nodes with this config from the run (You have to specify a JSON hash here) (default: {})
    --exclude_roles=role01,role01,/^rolepattern/                             - Exclude this roles from the run (default: ),,/example\.com$/            - Run plans for this nodes only (default: )
    --nodes_by_config='{"var1": ["val1", "/val2/"], "var2": "val2"}'         - Run plans for this nodes with this config only (You have to specify a JSON hash here) (default: {})
    --plan, -p path_to_plan_file                                             - plan name from the store or plan file to deploy. If a plan file is given DOPv will run in oneshot mode and add/remove
                                                                               the plan automatically to the plan store (required, default: none)
    --roles=role01,role01,/^rolepattern/                                     - Run plans for this roles only (default: )

To deploy a plan located at /tmp/plan.yaml and store and/or load persistent disks database located at /tmp/pdisks.yaml one can launch dopv with following options:

$ dopv deploy -p  /tmp/pdisks.yaml -d /tmp/pdisks.yaml

To deploy only nodes matching a regular expression ^foo-[1-9]+\.bar\.baz$ that are defined in a plan called /tmp/plan.yaml and store and/or load persistent disks database located at /tmp/pdisks.yaml one can launch dopv with following options:

$ dopv deploy -p  /tmp/pdisks.yaml -d /tmp/pdisks.yaml --nodes=/^foo-[1-9]+\.bar\.baz$/

Please note that disk database file is created if it does not exist.

Undeploying a plan

To get a help on undeploy CLI options launch dopv help undeploy argument:

$ dopv help undeploy
    undeploy - Undeploy a plan

    dopv [global options] undeploy [command options]

    --diskdb, -d path_to_db_file - (default: none)
    --plan, -p path_to_plan_file - (required, default: none)
    undeploy - Undeploy a plan

    dopv [global options] undeploy [command options]

    --diskdb, -d path_to_db_file                                             - Use a local diskdb file and import/export it automatically (default: none),,/example\.com$/    - Exclude this nodes from the run (default: )
    --exclude_nodes_by_config='{"var1": ["val1", "/val2/"], "var2": "val2"}' - Exclude nodes with this config from the run (You have to specify a JSON hash here) (default: {})
    --exclude_roles=role01,role01,/^rolepattern/                             - Exclude this roles from the run (default: ),,/example\.com$/            - Run plans for this nodes only (default: )
    --nodes_by_config='{"var1": ["val1", "/val2/"], "var2": "val2"}'         - Run plans for this nodes with this config only (You have to specify a JSON hash here) (default: {})
    --plan, -p path_to_plan_file                                             - plan name from the store or plan file to undeploy. If a plan file is given DOPv will run in oneshot mode and
                                                                               add/remove the plan automatically to the plan store (required, default: none)
    --[no-]rmdisk, -r                                                        - Remove the disks
    --roles=role01,role01,/^rolepattern/                                     - Run plans for this roles only (default: )   --[no-]rmdisk, -r            -

In order to destroy a deployment specified by a plan located at /tmp/plan.yaml and persistent disks database located at /tmp/pdisks.yaml one can launch dopv with following options:

$ dopv undeploy -p  /tmp/pdisks.yaml -d /tmp/pdisks.yaml

If you also want to remove the data volumes of each node and remove their records from persistent data volumes DB, please specify -r or --rmdisk option as shown bellow:

$ dopv undeploy -p  /tmp/pdisks.yaml -d /tmp/pdisks.yaml -r

If you'd like to selectively remove a node called as well as nodes that match regular expression ^foo[1-5]\.bar\.baz$ and their data disks, you would use --nodes filter:

$ dopv undeploy -p  /tmp/pdisks.yaml -d /tmp/pdisks.yaml -r,/^foo[1-5]\.bar\.baz$/

If you'd like to remove all nodes but those matching as well as nodes that match regular expression ^foo[1-5]\.bar\.baz$ and their data disks, you would use --exclude_nodes filter:

$ dopv undeploy -p  /tmp/pdisks.yaml -d /tmp/pdisks.yaml -r,/^foo[1-5]\.bar\.baz$/


By default dopv logs messages with INFO level and higher to standard output. In order to log to a file -l can be specified. The -v option is used to set a different log threshold. Following is an example of logging everything (DEBUG and above) into /tmp/dopv.log during plan deployment:

$ dopv -l /tmp/dopv.log -v debug deploy -p /tmp/plan.yaml -d /tmp/disks.yaml

Node Filtering Notes

Please note that dopv filtering by configuration and roles is not yet supported.


A plan format and description can be found here. A plan example can be found here


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