Dropbox Core SDK for Ruby
A Ruby library that for Dropbox’s HTTP-based Core API.
You can install this package using ‘gem’:
# gem install dropbox-sdk
Getting a Dropbox API key
You need a Dropbox API key to make API requests.
Go to: dropbox.com/developers/apps
If you’ve already registered an app, click on the “Options” link to see the app’s API key and secret.
Otherwise, click “Create an app” to register an app. Choose “Full Dropbox” or “App Folder” depending on your needs. See: www.dropbox.com/developers/reference#permissions
Using the Dropbox API
Full documentation: www.dropbox.com/developers/core/
Before your app can access a Dropbox user’s files, the user must authorize your application using OAuth 2. Successfully completing this authorization flow gives you an “access token” for the user’s Dropbox account, which grants you the ability to make Dropbox API calls to access their files.
Authorization example for a web app: web_file_browser.rb
Authorization example for a command-line tool: www.dropbox.com/developers/core/start/ruby
Once you have an access token, create a DropboxClient instance and start making API calls.
You only need to perform the authorization process once per user. Once you have an access token for a user, save it somewhere persistent, like in a database. The next time that user visits your app, you can skip the authorization process and go straight to making API calls.
Running the Examples
There are example programs included in the tarball. Before you can run an example, you need to edit the “.rb” file and put your Dropbox API app key and secret in the “APP_KEY” and “APP_SECRET” constants.
Running the Tests
# gem install bundler
# bundle install # cd test # DROPBOX_RUBY_SDK_ACCESS_TOKEN=<oauth2-access-token> bundle exec ruby sdk_test.rb