
Gem Version

Contains most of the files of a pristine rails new config directories. They will be available to your application by the engine nature of this gem.

Your private config directory (and your repository) will contain just your particular requirements/options (e.g. config/database.yml).

Version numbering is according to the Rails versions, e.g. use

gem 'dryer-config', '= 6.0.0'  # for a Rails 6.0.0 applications


gem 'dryer-config', '~> 5.2'   # expected to serve Rails 5.2.*

in your Gemfile.

It is expected that the version 7.0.0 is fine for the complete Rails 7 serie. If not, a new version of this gem will be released (hopefully).


Usually I run several applications based on the same Rails on one server. There is no need to waste disk space (mostly irrelevant today, but I still don't like wasting).

Several config files will be out of the way (less attention) for the developer.

Lastly, during the port of a Rails application to another version a pristine configuration is handy. The few remaining options in your config files needs less attention/work.


As usual:

# Gemfile
gem "dryer-config", "~> 7.1"

and run bundle install.

Rails 7.1.0, 7.0.0, 6.0.0, 5.2.0

See also "Configuration" below.

Create your own (there are still there for inspection):


The Webpacker files may require your attention:


The following original config files have been dropped:


Create your owns.

The following files may require your attention:


Create/copy your owns. They are still there for inspection.

The following file requires your attention:


Create your own. It will run after the one from the gem.

See also



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