
Retreives documentation on any core, stdlib, or gem method. Core and stdlib get the added benefit of checking the inheritance chain; for gems, it only checks the class.


Install it yourself:

$ gem install ducky


Check out

$ ducky help

The ducky command line has three subcommands: core, stdlib, or gem. core expects 1 or 2 parameters; the first is the method to lookup, and the second (optional) is the ruby version to look it up on. stdlib expects 2 or 3 parameters; the first is the stdlib library that the method is under, the second is the method, and the third (optional) is the ruby version to look it up on. gem expects 2 or 3 parameters; the first is the gem the method is under, the second is the method, and the third (optional) is the version of the gem to look it up on (by default, selects the latest version).

Method Value

method values look like <class><accessor><method>, where <class> is the class it's defined on, <accessor> is how the method is accessed (i.e. one of ., #, or ::), and method is the method name. <class> is optional (it defaults to Object); others are not. For example, Kernel#printf,, #object_id are all valid, but printf, Kernel, and Array. are not.


> ducky gem antelope "Antelope::Generator::Base#template"
- (void) template(source, destination) {|content| ... } (protected)

This method returns an undefined value.
Copies a template from the source, runs it through erb (in the context of this
class), and then outputs it at the destination. If given a block, it will call
the block after the template is run through erb with the content from erb; the
result of the block is then used as the content instead.

 source (String) — the source file. This should be in source_root.

 destination (String) — the destination file. This will be in Ace::Grammar#output.

Yield Parameters:
 content (String) — The content that ERB created.

Yield Returns:
 (String) — The new content to write to the output.

> ducky core ""
new(size=0, obj=nil)
new(size) {|index| block }

Returns a new array.
# (truncated)


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