
DynamicSearch provides support for multi term searches to your rails models. At the moment, I would recommend using at least rails 5.2 or higher for security reasons.

At the moment, the sql only supports PostgreSQL!


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'dynamic_search'

And then execute:


Or install it yourself as:

gem install dynamic_search


  1. Include the module to any model you want DynamicSearch functionality.

    include DynamicSearch
  2. To use the search you can create a search box form in your view.

    <%= form_for :model_name, method: 'get' do |f| %>  
    <%= f.text_field :search, placeholder: "search" %>  
    <% end %>  

    Then in your controller, you can call the search method on your model. You could also specify the columns you want to search on. If you don't specify columns, DynamicSearch will check against all of the columns on your model except foreign keys, id, and timestamps.

columns_array = ["first_name", "last_name", "username", "email"] 
@results = Model.search(params[:search], columns_array) 

From there I normally would paginate the results with Kaminari or WillPaginate.

Optional Customize the search method in your model to specify how your search should work all the time for that model, instead of just one view like above. In this case, you're telling the search method which columns you want included in your search every time for this model.

def search(search)  
  super(search, ["first_name", "last_name", "username", "email"])  


If you find a bug, submit an issue or pull request if you've fixed it. Feel free to reach out on twitter: @jeremydwayne


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.