EaSSL is a library aimed at making openSSL certificate generation and
management easier and more ruby-ish.
Patch from https://github.com/openrain/eassl-fix applied onto source
of eassl-0.1.1643 from rubyforge, jeweler-ized, and switched from MD5
to SHA1 hash for CSR signing
Ruby license, inherited from the rubyforge project
This version, 2.0.0, is published as the "eassl2" gem.
management easier and more ruby-ish.
Patch from https://github.com/openrain/eassl-fix applied onto source
of eassl-0.1.1643 from rubyforge, jeweler-ized, and switched from MD5
to SHA1 hash for CSR signing
Ruby license, inherited from the rubyforge project
This version, 2.0.0, is published as the "eassl2" gem.