Easy Matchers

Code Climate

Easy matchers provides RSpec matchers for common Rails functionality.

ActiveModel::Validations matchers

  • validate_absence_of
  • validate_acceptance_of
  • validate_confirmation_of
  • validate_length_of
  • validate_numericality_of
  • validate_presence_of

Install and configure

gem install easy-matchers

or via bundler:

gem 'easy-matchers'


RSpec.configure do |config|
  config.include Easy::Matchers::Validations, type: :model


This work is licensed under a MIT License.

About MLSDev


Easy-Matcher are maintained by MLSDev, Inc. We specialize in providing all-in-one solution in mobile and web development. Our team follows Lean principles and works according to agile methodologies to deliver the best results reducing the budget for development and its timeline.

Find out more here and don't hesitate to contact us!