
EasySave is a lightweight ORM written in Ruby that abstracts away the complexities of working with SQL databases.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'easy_save'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install easy_save


Setting up for your own usage:

Place your sql file in the root of the project directory, and name it schema.sql.

Once that's done, in each model that is involved in the database, require 'easy_gem', subclass it from SQLObject and finalize! it to create the methods.

require 'easy_gem'

class User < SQLObject


Setting up demo:

A demo database has been included as well, in the example folder.

Run Pry or IRB in the examples folder, and load 'example.rb'.

At that point Users, Comments, Photos, and their respective associations can all be explored.

A step by step guide:

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Open EasySave/examples and Pry / IRB in that same folder.
  3. load 'example.rb'
  4. Try out different things like User.find(1) or Comment.find(2).


Example Methods

Methods will return an instance of the object using the information from the database if appropriate.

Object methods:

  • ::all: Returns an array of all the objects from the corresponding table.
  • ::find(id): Returns the object corresponding to the row with the ID.
  • ::first: Returns the first row from that table.
  • ::table_name: Returns the instance variable of the table name, or creates the table name name and sets the instance variable for future reference.
  • ::table_name=(table_name): Takes an argument and sets the table name to that.
  • #insert: Inserts the object into it's correponsind table as a new row.
  • #update: Updates an objects information in the database.
  • #save: Either updates or inserts an entry in the database, depending on if you're already
  • #finalize!: Necessary to create the attribute accessors based on database columns. Called at the end of the class declaration..

Association methods:

  • ::belongs_to(name, options): Take a model name and an optional options hash and creates a method called #name. The method returns the instance of the model name to whose ID matches the foreign key held by the object calling the method.
  • ::has_many(name, options): Similar to #belongs_to but instead returns instances of the model name whose foreign key matches the ID help by object calling the method.
  • ::has_one_through(name, through_name, source_name): Requires three arguments, the name of the target model class, the through name of the intermediary, and the source name of the method in the intermediary. The generated method returns an instance of #name whose id matches the foreign key of the through_name object whose id matches the foreign key of the source name object that is calling the method.

Future Work

  1. has_many_through associations
  2. Validation check methods
  3. joins to perform SQL joins