
How to install

Add to your Gemfile or gems.rb

# From gems server
source 'https://gems.easysoftware.com' do
  gem 'easy_sitemap'

# From git server
gem 'easy_sitemap', git: '[email protected]:rysy/features/easy_sitemap.git', branch: 'master'


Please follow our Guidelines

For full feature list of RYS see RYS wiki

1) From the platform gemfile

  1. Open gemfile (e.g: APP_ROOT/Gemfile.local)
  2. Add gem 'easy_sitemap', path: GENERATED_RYS_LOCATION
  3. Run bundle install
  4. Run the server and develop
  1. Make a symlink into plugins/easysoftware/local
  2. Run bundle install
  3. Run the server and develop

3) From generated rys itself

  1. Symlink the platform (dummy app) into test/dummy
  2. Run bundle install
  3. Run the server and develop