Class: RiCal::PropertyValue::CalAddress

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  • ©2009 Rick DeNatale, All rights reserved. Refer to the file README.txt for the license

RiCal::PropertyValue::CalAddress represents an icalendar CalAddress property value which is defined in RFC 2445 section 4.3.3 p 34

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from RiCal::PropertyValue

#params, #timezone_finder, #value

Method Summary

Methods inherited from RiCal::PropertyValue

#==, #add_date_times_to, convert, date_or_date_time, date_or_date_time_or_period, #default_tzid, #enumerator, #equality_value, #find_timezone, #for_parent, if_valid_string, #initialize, #parms_string, #ruby_value, #to_options_hash, #to_ri_cal_property_value, #to_s, #tz_info_source?, #validate_value, #visible_params

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from RiCal::PropertyValue