DI::Container.new do
asset :agent_title => 'Evil Dango - Ticket Extractor'
asset :description => 'torrent ticket extractor'
asset :url_label => 'link:'
asset :url_hint => 'A page link where the desired ticket can be downloaded'
asset :passkey_label => 'passkey:'
asset :passkey_hint => 'A passkey that will be used in the extracted ticket'
asset :process_hint => 'Extract a ticket'
asset :result_form_title => 'Result:'
asset :ticket_link_title => 'Extracted ticket'
asset :more_hint => 'Extract more tickets'
asset :help_hint => 'Show/Hide help'
asset :synopsys_title => 'Synopsys:'
asset :synopsys_text => "Evil Dango can help you to extract torrent tickets from 'torrentpier'-enabled "\
"sites. It fetches a ticket with a predefined account and replaces the initial "\
"passkey with a new defined one."
asset :notes_title => 'Notes:'
asset :passkey_note => "The passkey can usually be found on the 'profile' page of the site."
asset :link_note => "The URL in the 'link' field should point to the page "\
"where a download link for the ticket can be found."
asset :all_specs => 'all specifications'
asset :no_specs_for_url => 'Specifications were not found for the link.'
asset :error_form_title => 'The following problems occurred:'
asset :error_list_title => 'Problems with'
asset :specified_file => 'the specified file'
asset :file_not_found => 'File was not found'
asset :operation_timed_out => 'The process did not finish in the specified time limit.'
asset :empty_url => 'The link field should not be empty.'
asset :empty_passkey => 'The passkey field should not be empty.'
asset :empty_source_passkey => 'A passkey used to find replacement places in the ticket was not specified.'
asset :empty_ticket_link_regex => 'A regular expression used to search for a ticket download link was not set.'
asset :empty_login => 'A login name for the account used in the ticket extraction process was not set.'
asset :empty_password => 'A password for the account used in the ticket extraction process was not specified.'
asset :empty_login_url => 'A login url for the account used in the ticket extraction process was not set.'
asset :login_process_failed => 'Failed to log in.'
asset :ticket_page_loading_failed => 'Failed to load the page with a ticket link.'
asset :ticket_link_not_found => 'A link for the ticket was not found on the specified page.'
asset :raw_ticket_not_saved => 'Failed to download and save the ticket.'
asset :raw_ticket_not_opened => 'Failed to read saved ticket in order to replace its passkey.'
asset :passkey_not_found => 'The extracted ticket does not have an initial passkey to change.'
asset :processed_ticket_not_saved => 'Failed to save processed ticket.'