Effective Bootstrap

Everything your Ruby on Rails 5.1+ application needs to get working with Twitter Bootstrap 4.

  • Bootstrap4 component view helpers.
  • SVG icons based on Inline SVG, with Feather Icons and FontAwesome svg icons to replace the old glyphicons.
  • An html-exact form builder that builds on top of Rails' new form_with with numerous custom form inputs.

Getting Started

gem 'effective_bootstrap'

Run the bundle command to install it:

bundle install

Install the configuration file:

rails generate effective_bootstrap:install

The generator will install an initializer which describes all configuration options.

Add the following to your application.js:

//= require jquery3
//= require popper
//= require bootstrap
//= require effective_bootstrap

# The date picker form inputs use momentjs locales. To add a locale:
//= require moment/locale/es
//= require moment/locale/nl

And to your application.scss:

@import 'bootstrap'
@import 'effective_bootstrap'

View Helpers

All these examples are in haml.



= collapse('Click to collapse/expand') do
  %p You have revealed me!


= dropdown do
  = dropdown_link_to 'Something', root_path
  = dropdown_divider
  = dropdown_link_to 'Another', root_path

Options include: dropdown(variation: :dropup|:dropleft|:dropright, split: true|false, right: true|false, btn: 'btn-secondary')



= list_group do
  = list_group_link_to 'Something', root_path

list_group_link_to will automatically insert the the .active class based on the request path.


  %a.navbar-brand{href: '/'} Home

  %button.navbar-toggler{type: 'button', data: {toggle: 'collapse', target: '#navContent', 'aria-controls': 'navContent', 'aria-label': 'Toggle navigation'}}

      = nav_link_to 'About', '/about'
      = nav_link_to 'Contact', '/conact'

      - if current_user.present?
        = nav_dropdown('Account', right: true) do
          = nav_link_to 'Settings', user_settings_path

          - if can?(:access, :admin)
            = nav_divider
            = nav_link_to 'Site Admin', '/admin'

          = nav_divider
          = nav_link_to 'Sign Out', destroy_user_session_path, method: :delete
      - else
        = nav_link_to 'Sign In', new_user_session_path

nav_link_to will automatically insert the .active class based on the request path.



Builds a pagination based on the given collection, current url and params[:page].

The collection must be an ActiveRecord relation.

= paginate(@posts, per_page: 10)

Add this to your model:

scope :paginate, -> (page: nil, per_page:) {
  page = (page || 1).to_i
  offset = [(page - 1), 0].max * per_page


Add this to your controller:

def index
  @posts = Post.all.paginate(page: params[:page], per_page: 10)

Add this to your view:

%nav= paginate(@posts, per_page: 10)


%nav.d-flex.justify-content-center= paginate(@posts, per_page: 10)



= tabs do
  = tab 'Demographics' do
    %p Demographics tab

  = tab 'Orders' do
    %p Orders tab

  - if resource.logs.present?
    = tab 'Logs' do
      %p Logs tab

Icon Helpers

Unfortunately, Bootstrap 4 dropped support for glyphicons, so we use a combination of Inline SVG, with Feather Icons and FontAwesome .svg images (no webfonts) to get back this functionality, even better than it was before.

= icon('ok') # <svg class='eb-icon eb-icon-ok' ...>
= icon_to('ok', root_path) # <a href='/'><svg class='eb-icon eb-icon-ok' ...></a>

A full list of icons can be found here: All effective_bootstrap icons

To overwrite or add an icon, just drop the .svg file into your application's app/assets/images/icons/ directory.

There are also a few helpers for commonly used icons, they all take the form of x_icon_to(new_thing_path):

  • new_icon_to
  • show_icon_to
  • edit_icon_to
  • destroy_icon_to
  • settings_icon_to
  • ok_icon_to
  • approve_icon_to
  • remove_icon_to

Form Builder

Rails 5.1 has introduced a new form_with syntax, and soft-deprecated form_tag and form_for.

This gem includes a Bootstrap4 Forms html-exact form builder built on top of form_with.

The goal of this form builder is to output beautiful forms while matching the rails form syntax -- you should be able to change an existing form_with form to effective_form_with with no other changes.

Of course, just the regular form inputs are boring, and this gem extends numerous jQuery/Javascript libraries to level up some inputs.

This is an opinionated Bootstrap4 form builder.


Matches the Rails form_with tag syntax, with all its :model, :scope, :url, :method, etc.

As well, you can specify layout: :vertical, layout: :horizontal, or layout: :inline as per the different Bootstrap form layouts.

= effective_form_with(model: @user, layout: :horizontal) do |f|
  = f.text_field :name
  = f.submit

The default is layout: :vertical.

If you would like each form and its fields to have unique ids, use unique_ids: true.

All standard form fields have been implemented as per Rails 5.1 FormHelper

When working as a remote: true form, you can also pass flash_success: true|false and flash_error: true|false to control the flash behaviour. By default, the errors will be displayed, and the success will be hidden.


There are three sets of options hashes that you can pass into any form input:

  • wrapper: { class: 'something' } are applied to the wrapping div tag.
  • input_html: { class: 'something' } are applied to the input, select or textarea tag itself.
  • input_js: { key: value } are passed to any custom form input will be used to initialize the Javascript library. For example:
= effective_form_with(model: @user) do |f|
  = f.date_field :updated_at, input_js: { useCurrent: 'day', showTodayButton: true }

will result in the following call to the Javascript library:

$('input').datetimepicker(useCurrent: 'day', showTodayButton: true);

Any options passed in this way will be used to initialize the underlying javascript libraries.

Basic form inputs

The following form inputs are supported, but don't have any kind of custom JavaScript

= f.check_box
= f.email_field
= f.error_field
= f.number_field
= f.password_field
= f.static_field
= f.text_area
= f.text_field
= f.url_field

Custom date_field, datetime_field, time_field

These custom form inputs are all based on the following awesome project:

Bootstrap 3 Datepicker (https://github.com/Eonasdan/bootstrap-datetimepicker)

= f.date_field :updated_at
= f.datetime_field :updated_at
= f.time_field :updated_at


The default options used to initialize this form input are as follows:

am_pm: true, input_js: { showTodayButton: false, showClear: false, useCurrent: 'hour' }

For a full list of options, please refer to:


Set Date

Use the following JavaScript to set the date:


Disabled Dates

Provide a String, Date, or Range to set the disabled dates.

input_js: { disabledDates: '2020-01-01' }
input_js: { disabledDates: Time.zone.now }
input_js: { disabledDates: Time.zone.now.beginning_of_month..Time.zone.now.end_of_month }
input_js: { disabledDates: [Time.zone.now, Time.zone.now + 1.day] }

Linked Dates

By default, when two matching date inputs named start_* and end_* are present on the same form, they will become linked.

The end date selector will have its date <= start_date disabled.

To disable this behaviour, call with date_linked: false.

= f.date_field :end_at, date_linked: false


The date picker library doesn't trigger a regular change. Instead you must watch for the dp.change event.

More info is available here:


Custom editor

A drop in ready rich text editor based on


To use the editor, you must make additional javascript and stylesheet includes:

In your application.js

//= require effective_bootstrap
//= require effective_bootstrap_editor

In your application.scss

@import 'effective_bootstrap';
@import 'effective_bootstrap_editor';

And then in any form, instead of a text area:

= f.editor :body

Custom has_many

This custom form input was inspired by cocoon but works with more magic.

This nested form builder allows has_many resources to be created, updated, destroyed and reordered.

Just add has_many and accepts_nested_attributes_for like normal and then use it in the form:

class Author < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :books
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :books, allow_destroy: true


= effective_form_with(model: author) do |f|
  = f.text_field :name

  = f.has_many :books do |fb|
    = fb.text_field :title
    = fb.date_field :published_at

If :books can be destroyed, a hidden field _destroy will automatically be added to each set of fields and a Remove button will be displayed to remove the item.

If the Book model has an integer position attribute, a hidden field position will automatically be added to each set of fields and a Reorder button will be displayed to drag&drop reorder items.

If the has_many collection is blank?, .build() will be automatically called, unless build: false is passed.

Any errors on the has_many name will be displayed unless errors: false is passed.

You can customize this behaviour by passing the following:

= f.has_many :books, add: true, remove: true, reorder: true, build: true, errors: true do |fb|
  = fb.text_field :title

or add an html class:

= f.has_many :books, class: 'tight' do |fb|
  = fb.text_field :title

Custom percent_field

This custom form input uses no 3rd party jQuery plugins.

It displays a percentage formatted value 100 or 12.500 but posts the "percentage as integer" value of 100000 or 12500 to the server.

It's like the price field, but 3 digits instead of 2.

= f.percent_field :percent

Custom price_field

This custom form input uses no 3rd party jQuery plugins.

It displays a currency formatted value 100.00 but posts the "price as integer" value of 10000 to the server.

Think about this value as "the number of cents".

= f.price_field :price

This gem also includes a rails view helper price_to_currency that takes a value like 10000 and displays it as $100.00

Custom select

This custom form input is based on the following awesome project:

Select2 (https://select2.github.io/)


As a Rails Form Helper input:

= f.select :category, 10.times.map { |x| "Category #{x}"}
= f.select :categories, 10.times.map { |x| "Category #{x}"}, multiple: true
= f.select :categories, 10.times.map { |x| "Category #{x}"}, tags: true
= f.select :categories, {'Active': [['Post A', 1], ['Post B', 2]], 'Past': [['Post C', 3], ['Post D', 4]]}, grouped: true


The standard mode is a replacement for the default single select box.

Passing multiple: true will allow multiple selections to be made.

Passing freeform: true will allow a single selection and new ones to be created.

Passing multiple: true, tags: true will allow multiple selections to be made, and new value options to be created. This will allow you to both select existing tags and create new tags in the same form control.

Passing grouped: true will enable optgroup support. When in this mode, the collection should be a Hash of ActiveRecord Relations or Array of Arrays

{'Active' => Post.active, 'Past' => Post.past}
{'Active' => [['Post A', 1], ['Post B', 2]], 'Past' => [['Post C', 3], ['Post D', 4]]}

Passing polymorphic: true will enable polymorphic support. In this mode, an additional 2 hidden input fields are created alongside the select field.

So calling

= f.input :primary_contact, User.all.to_a + Member.all.to_a, polymorphic: true

will internally translate the collection into:

[['User 1', 'User_1'], ['User 2', 'User_2'], ['Member 100', 'Member_100']]

and instead of posting to the server with the parameter :primary_contact, it will instead post {primary_contact_id: 2, primary_contact_type: 'User'}.

Using both polymorphic: true and grouped: true is recommended. In this case the expected collection is as follows:

= f.input :primary_contact, {'Users': User.all, 'Members': Member.all}, polymorphic: true, grouped: true


The default options used to initialize this form input are as follows:

  :theme => 'bootstrap',
  :minimumResultsForSearch => 6,
  :tokenSeparators => [',', ' '],
  :width => 'style',
  :placeholder => 'Please choose',
  :allowClear => !(options[:multiple])  # Only display the Clear 'x' on a single selection box

Interesting Available Options

To limit the number of items that can be selected in a multiple select box:

maximumSelectionLength: 2

To hide the search box entirely:

minimumResultsForSearch: 'Infinity'

For a full list of options, please refer to: https://select2.github.io/options.html

The following input_js: options are not part of the standard select2 API, and are custom effective_select functionality only:

To add a css class to the select2 container or dropdown:

containerClass: 'custom-container-class'
dropdownClass: 'custom-dropdown-class'

to display rich html for the option value:

f.select :user, user_tag_collection(User.all), template: :html

def user_tag_collection(users)
  users.map do |user|
      { 'data-html': (:span, user.to_s, class: 'user-choice') }


Call with single_selected: true to ensure only the first selected option tag will be <option selected="selected">.

This can be useful when displaying multiple options with an identical value.

Clear value

It's a bit tricky to clear the selected value


Working with dynamic options

The following information applies to effective_select only, and is not part of the standard select2 API.

To totally hide (instead of just grey out) any disabled options from the select2 dropdown, initialize the input with:

= f.input :category, User.all, hide_disabled: true

If you want to dynamically add/remove options from the select field after page load, you must use the select2:reinitialize event:

# When something on my page changes
$(document).on 'change', '.something', (event) ->
  $select = $(event.target).closest('form').find('select.i-want-to-change')  # Find the select2 input to be updated

  # Go through its options, and modify some of them.
  # Using the above 'hide_disabled true' functionality, the following code hides the options from being displayed,
  # but you could actually remove the options, add new ones, or update the values/texts. whatever.
  $select.find('option').each (index, option) ->
    $(option).prop('disabled', true) if index > 10

  # Whenever the underlying options change, you need to manually trigger the following event:

AJAX Support

Provide the ajax_url: method to use AJAX remote data source.

In your form:

= f.select :user_id, User.all, ajax_url: users_select2_ajax_index_path

In your routes.rb:

resources :select2_ajax, only: [] do
  get :users, on: :collection

In your controller:

class Select2AjaxController < ApplicationController
  def users
    # Collection
    collection = User.all

    # Search
    if (term = params[:term]).present?
      collection = collection.where('name ILIKE ?', "%#{term}%").or(collection.where('id::TEXT LIKE ?', "%#{term}%"))

    # Paginate
    per_page = 20
    page = (params[:page] || 1).to_i
    last = (collection.reselect(:id).count.to_f / per_page).ceil
    more = page < last

    offset = [(page - 1), 0].max * per_page
    collection = collection.limit(per_page).offset(offset)

    # Results
    results = collection.map { |user| { id: user.to_param, text: user.to_s } }

    respond_to do |format|
      format.js do
        render json: { results: results, pagination: { more: more } }


Custom select_or_text_field

This custom form input is unique. It takes in two different field names, one of them a select, the other a text field.

It enforces an XOR between the two fields.

It's intended for selecting a belongs_to or using a freeform text field pattern.

This custom form input uses no 3rd party jQuery plugins.

= f.select_or_text_field :post_id, :post_text, Post.all
= f.select_or_text_field :post_id, :post_text, Post.all, hint: 'Both select and text field will see this hint'
= f.select_or_text_field :post_id, :post_text, Post.all, select: { hint: 'select only options' }, text: { hint: 'text field only options'}

The f.object should have two separate attributes, post_id and post_text.

The javascript form input will enforce XOR, but you can also apply your own validation to also have the same effect as required: true

class PostSummary < ApplicationRecord
  validate do
    unless (post_id.present? ^ post_text.present?) # xor
      self.errors.add(:post_id, 'please choose either post or post text')
      self.errors.add(:post_text, 'please choose either post or post text')

Custom submit and save

The f.submit puts in a wrapper and a default save button, and does the whole icon spin when submit thing.

The f.save is purely a input submit button.

= f.submit
= f.submit 'Save 2'

= f.submit 'Save', left: true
= f.submit 'Save', center: true
= f.submit 'Save', right: true

= f.submit 'Save', border: false
= f.submit 'Save', center: true, border: false
= f.submit 'Save', left: true, border: false

= f.submit(border: false) do
  = f.save 'Save 1'
  = f.save 'Save 2'


The form builder will use labels and hints based on your current localization, if present

To use these, just assign the activemodel attributes values to your strings

      thing: 'Thing'
        title: 'Good Title'
        title_hint: 'please make this title really good'

Table Builder

Use effective_table_with(resource) to intelligently output a table of attributes for a resource.

In your view:

= effective_table_with(user, only: [:first_name, :last_name])

will output the following html:

<table class='table table-striped table-hover>
      <td>First Name</td>
      <td>Last Name</td>

You can pass only: and except: to specify which attributes to display.

To override the content of just one row:

= effective_table_with(user) do |f|
  = f.content_for :first_name, label: 'Cool First Name' do
    %strong= f.object.first_name

will generate the html:

<tr><td>Cool First Name</td><td><strong>Peter</strong></td></tr>

Work with existing forms

The table builder is intended to display based off your existing forms.

Any effective_form_with or _fields partial will work to define the attributes displayed and the order they are displayed.

A check_box will be rendered as a boolean, text areas use simple_format, f.show_if and f.hide_if logic work.

If you use f.text_field :first_name, label: 'Cool First Name' in your form, it will flow through to the table.

To render a table based off an existing effective_form_with:

= effective_table_with(user) do |f|
  = render('users/form', user: user)

or just the fields partial

= effective_table_with(user, only: [:first_name, :last_name]) do |f|
  = render('users/fields_demographics', f: f)

You can specify only: and except: and use f.content_for to override a row in all these use cases.

All values flow through to i18n and can be overriden, same as the form labels, in the locale .yml file.


MIT License. Copyright Code and Effect Inc.

Feather icons are licensed under the MIT License.

FontAwesome icons are licensed under the CC BY 4.0 License and require this attribution.


The authors of this gem are not associated with any of the awesome projects used by this gem.

We are just extending these existing community projects for ease of use with Rails Form Helper and SimpleForm.


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Bonus points for test coverage
  6. Create new Pull Request