ELS Token
A simple library for interfacing with forgeRock OpenAM REST Interface.
ElsToken can be mixed into a class/module and/or used directly.
authenticate, validate and extract
# The ELS end point
opts = {'uri' => 'https://els-sso.corp.aol.com/opensso/identity'}
# Generate a token
token = ElsToken.authenticate('username','password', opts)
# Determine if token is valid
is_valid = ElsToken.is_token_valid?(token, opts)
# Retrieve an Identity Object (includes group membership, etc)
ad_user = ElsToken.get_identity(token, opts)
change log
1.2.3 Fixed Ruby 2.0.0 compatibility
1.2.2 Removed Rails logger dependency Added a couple of extra attributes to the ELS Identity Object
1.2.0 Removed Rails dependency. Cleaned up instructions - getting ready to bare all :)
1.0.1 Removed AOLMemberCA certificate as it was mostly pointless SSL without verification is used as default
1.0.0 Initial release :)