Commons Compress decoder plugin for Embulk

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This decoder plugin for Embulk supports various archive formats using Apache Commons Compress library.


  • Plugin type: decoder
  • Load all or nothing: yes
  • Resume supported: no


  • format: An archive format like tar, zip, and so on. (string, optional, default: "")
    • The format type is one of supported formats by by Apache Commons Compress.
    • Auto detect is used when there is no configuration. This can use for a single format. If a file format is solid compression like tar.gz, please set format config explicitly.
    • Some listing formats in Apache Commons Compress may not work in your environment. I could confirm the following formats work well. Your environment may be able to use other formats listed in the site.
  • decompress_concatenated: gzip, bzip2, and xz formats support multiple concatenated streams. The default value of this parameter is true. If you want to disable it, then set to false. See CompressorStreamFactory.setDecompressConcatenated() in ver.1.9 for more details.
  • match_name: Only the files in an archive which match to match_name are processed. match_name is set by regular expression.


  • archive format: ar, cpio, jar, tar, zip
    • These formats are archive formats. All files in an archive are processed by embulk.
  • compress format: bzip2, deflate, gzip
    • These formats are compress formats. Uncompressed file is processed by embulk.
  • solid compression format: Need to set format config parameter explicitly.
    • tgz, tar.gz
    • tbz, tbz2, tb2, tar.bz2
    • taz, tz, tar.Z


  • Use auto detection. This can use for 1 format like tar and zip. If you would like to use a solid compression format like tar.gz, please set the format to your configuration file.
  type: any input plugin type
    - type: commons-compress
  • Set a file format like tar explicit.
  type: any input plugin type
    - type: commons-compress
      format: tar
  • Set a solid compression format.
  type: any input plugin type
    - type: commons-compress
      format: tgz
  • Set decompress_concatenated to false if you would like to read the first concatenated gzip/bzip2 archive only.
  type: any input plugin type
    - type: commons-compress
      decompress_concatenated: false
  • Set match_name to extract only the files whose suffix is '.csv' from an archive.
  type: any input plugin type
    - type: commons-compress
      match_name: ".*\\.csv"


$ ./gradlew gem

To build with integrationTest(It works on OSX or Linux)

$ ./gradlew clean
$ ./gradlew -DenableIntegrationTest=true gem
