Slack Message input plugin for Embulk

This plugin is embulk input from slack message. Inspire of the embulk-input-slack_history


  • Plugin type: input
  • Resume supported: no
  • Cleanup supported: no
  • Guess supported: yes


Complete use name

User name be id come from slack in message.

This plugin complete user name.

Guess supported

This plugin guess supported.

Calculate between time from latest and oldest.


channel settings is references slack description (here)

  • channel: channel settings (hash, required)
    • name: channel name (string, required)
    • type: channel type (string, required. this param is originated)
    • channel: public channel
    • group: private group
    • direct: direct message
    • multi_direct: multi direct message
    • latest: End of time range of messages to include in results. (string, default: now date)
    • oldest: Start of time range of messages to include in results. (string, default: 0)
    • count: Number of messages to return, between 1 and 1000 (long, default: 100)
    • inclusive: Include messages with latest or oldest timestamp in results (long, default: 0)
    • unreads: Include unread_count_display in the output? (long, default: 0)
  • token: Slack API Token. Generate from Slack Authentication (string, required)
  • repeat: Adjustment of time when next config generation (mill seconds). (long, default: 0)


  type: slack_message
    name: general
    type: channel
    latest: '2016-02-16 00:00:00'
    oldest: '2016-02-15 00:00:00'
    count: 100
    inclusive: 0
    unreads: 0
  token: 'aaaa-1111111111-2222222222-33333333333-bbbbbbbbbb'
  repeat: 0
  - {index: 0, name: datetime, type: timestamp, format: null}
  - {index: 1, name: channel_id, type: string, format: null}
  - {index: 2, name: channel_name, type: string, format: null}
  - {index: 3, name: user_id, type: string, format: null}
  - {index: 4, name: user_name, type: string, format: null}
  - {index: 5, name: message, type: string, format: null}


$ rake