
Generate full stats of your account using your Twitter Archive.


  1. Install Empyrean using gem install empyrean
  2. Download your Twitter archive and unpack it somewhere.
  3. Generate a new configuration file: empyrean -g config.yml
  4. empyrean -d path/to/data/js/tweets
  5. ???
  6. Profit!


Configuration is done using the config.yml file in the current directory. You can generate one using empyrean -g config.yml. You may also specify a different configuration file to use with the -c switch.

You can also use the -C switch to override config values on the fly, such as -C timezone_difference=2 or -C mentions_enabled=no. If the configuration variable is a list, separate the elements with ,. For example, to ignore the Twitter users BarackObama and baddragon_en, use -C ignored_users=BarackObama,baddragon_en.