A ruby binding for the Engaging Networks API
This API client wraps undocumented features of the Engaging Networks platform in ruby bindings that can be used to approximate API-ish behavior. It does not use the ENS API and is intended as a stopgap until EN builds out a full API.
create a client object
require 'engaging_networks'
en = EngagingNetworks.new({public_token: 'PUBLIC_TOKEN', private_token: 'PRIVATE_TOKEN'})
If you need to use and endpoint like campaign create that screen scrapes, you'll also need to set an EN username and password for a user that has permission.
require 'engaging_networks'
en = EngagingNetworks.new({public_token: 'PUBLIC_TOKEN', private_token: 'PRIVATE_TOKEN', username: 'foo', password: 'bar'})
Get a campaign by id
campaign = en.campaign.get 456
=> #<EngagingNetworks::Response::Object:0x00000101685f68
"campaignName"=>"Test Campaign",
"campaignExportName"=>"Test Campaign",
Duplicate a campaign
action = en.campaign.duplicate reference_name: 'foo',
format_name: 'API New Supporter Template',
csv_string: 'Email,First Name,Last Name,City,Country Code,Country Name,Postal Code,Mobile Phone,Language,Originating Action',
csv_file_name: 'upload.csv',
segment_id: 'Test Segment Id',
segment_name: 'Test Segment',
template_campaign_id: 26967,
new_campaign_reference_name: 'New Test Campaign4'
=> '1234'
Create a campaign via screen scrape
id = en.campaign.create(name: 'ControlShift test 2', description: 'description')
# returns the campaign id
Search for a campaign by name (exact match only)
action = en.campaign.search "Foo"
=> 'Foo'
check if supporter exists
en.supporter.exists? '[email protected]'
=> false
create an action
action = en.action.create(client_id: 123, campaign_id: 123, form_id: 123, first_name: 'George',
last_name: 'Washington', city: 'Detroit', country: country_code, country_name: 'United States',
email: '[email protected]', address_line_1: 'address1', address_line_2: 'address2',
post_code: '02052', state: 'MI', mobile_phone: '518-207-6768', originating_action: 'xxx',
opt_in: true,
additional_fields: {'Some Custom Field Name': 'field value'})
=> true
=> true
The truth of the opt_in field determines whether or not the member is opted in.
And then check again, and now supporter exists!
en.supporter.exists? '[email protected]'
=> true
Supporters by date
en.supporter.export Date.new(2014,6,5)
=> [{...}]
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