
EnquiryConsul is a very simple service discovery client, rails edition.

I haven't found any Consul client provides services as Hystrix, Load Balancing, etc. in Rails. That's why EnquiryConsul was born. However, it's now in a pretty early phrase, providing basic service discovery, load balancing, breaker functions.

You are more than welcome to contribute to this project!

Please notify me if anyone knows rounded Consul clients in Rails. :)

Please Note:

  • Use it in Rails.
  • Dependent on Diplomat. It's a rails http wrapper. The only wrapper I've found written in Ruby.
  • Config your Consul cluster IP and port with Diplomat.
  • Visit Diplomat: https://github.com/WeAreFarmGeek/diplomat
  • require 'enquiry-consul' if necessary.


Add this to your Gemfile

gem 'enquiry-consul'


bundle install

Basic Usage

Available methods (for now): GET, POST, PUT

EnquiryConsul.get(<YourServiceName>, <Api>, data: <Body>, reconnect: <RetryTimes>)

Have Fun!