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Enygma is an encryption engine built (as a gem) with ruby programming language. It follows the principles of Enigma Encryption Machine to encrypt and decrypt files. The gem also offers the feature of cracking a file.


To install as a gem and run as a termina/command line program, run the following command in you terminal(command promt for Windows)

$ gem install enygma

If you want to use 'Enygma' in your ruby application, add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'enygma'

And then execute:

$ bundle


This gem provides you with three command line actions, encrypt, decrypt, and crack

When you have installed the enygma gem, you can encrypt a file by changing to the directory that contantains the file, and run any of the following commands


$ encrypt <filename> [<destination-filename>]


$ decrypt <cypher-filename> [<plain-filename>] <key> <date>


$ crack <cypher-filename> [<plain-filename>] <date>


<filename> The file path of the of the file you want to encrypt. This can be the absolute filepath if you are in a different directory.

<destination-filename> This is optional. If provided, is tThe filename where the encrypted text will the saved. Otherwise, the filename is deduce from the source filename

<cypher-filename> The filename/filepath to the encrypted file you want decrypt.

<plain-filename> The destination filename to save the plain text. Optional. If not provided, the plain text is stored is a file with name coined from the cypher-filename

<key> A randomly generated unique 5 digits number used to encrypt the file. The key is displayed to you on a confirmation message when you encrypted the file.

<date> The date the file was encrypted. This will also be displayed in a confirmation message in the terminal in the format, ddmmyy

Example Usage

To encrypt a file name file.txt, and in whose containing I have changed to

$ encrypt file.txt

=>#Created file.encrypted.txt with the key 12345 and date 231190

$ encrypt file.txt encrypted.txt

=>#Created encrypted.txt with the key 12345 and date 231190

To decrypt a file named file.encrypted.txt

$ decrypt file.encrypted.txt 12345 231190

=>#Created file.decrypted.txt with key 12345 and date 231190

To crack a file named file.encrypted.txt

$ crack file.encrypted.txt 231190

=>#Created file.decrypted.txt with key 12345 and date 231190


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/andela-echigbo/enygma. This project is intended to be a safe and welcoming space for collaboration. To contribute to this work:

  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[andela-echigbo]/enygma/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
  6. Wait


  • The character set of this gem is limited; lower case alphabets, numbers, space, comma and period characters.
  • The application generates the the key for the encryption, and does not allow user to choose their prefered digit combinations


  • The character set suported by the gem will be increased
  • The application should able to allow users choose their encryption key upon encrypting a file