

Name Type Description Notes
item_id Integer Unique ID for this item.
location_flag String Type of the location_id
location_id Integer References a solar system, station or item_id if this blueprint is located within a container. If the return value is an item_id, then the Character AssetList API must be queried to find the container using the given item_id to determine the correct location of the Blueprint.
material_efficiency Integer Material Efficiency Level of the blueprint.
quantity Integer A range of numbers with a minimum of -2 and no maximum value where -1 is an original and -2 is a copy. It can be a positive integer if it is a stack of blueprint originals fresh from the market (e.g. no activities performed on them yet).
runs Integer Number of runs remaining if the blueprint is a copy, -1 if it is an original.
time_efficiency Integer Time Efficiency Level of the blueprint.
type_id Integer type_id integer