

Name Type Description Notes
amount Float The amount of ISK given or taken from the wallet as a result of the given transaction. Positive when ISK is deposited into the wallet and negative when ISK is withdrawn [optional]
balance Float Wallet balance after transaction occurred [optional]
context_id Integer An ID that gives extra context to the particular transaction. Because of legacy reasons the context is completely different per ref_type and means different things. It is also possible to not have a context_id [optional]
context_id_type String The type of the given context_id if present [optional]
date DateTime Date and time of transaction
description String The reason for the transaction, mirrors what is seen in the client
first_party_id Integer The id of the first party involved in the transaction. This attribute has no consistency and is different or non existant for particular ref_types. The description attribute will help make sense of what this attribute means. For more info about the given ID it can be dropped into the /universe/names/ ESI route to determine its type and name [optional]
id Integer Unique journal reference ID
reason String The user stated reason for the transaction. Only applies to some ref_types [optional]
ref_type String "The transaction type for the given. transaction. Different transaction types will populate different attributes. Note: If you have an existing XML API application that is using ref_types, you will need to know which string ESI ref_type maps to which integer. You can look at the following file to see string->int mappings:\"
second_party_id Integer The id of the second party involved in the transaction. This attribute has no consistency and is different or non existant for particular ref_types. The description attribute will help make sense of what this attribute means. For more info about the given ID it can be dropped into the /universe/names/ ESI route to determine its type and name [optional]
tax Float Tax amount received. Only applies to tax related transactions [optional]
tax_receiver_id Integer The corporation ID receiving any tax paid. Only applies to tax related transactions [optional]