ESTool - Elasticsearch Commandline Tool

EStool is a command-line tool for interacting with the Elasticsearch search and analytics engine.


Install the gem

    gem install estool


  • Requires Elasticsearch cluster accessible over HTTP.
  • Tested on Elasticsearch 1.7.x, 2.3.x, 5.x
  • Ruby 2.2.6

Using estool

Getting help:

    estool -h

Global options:

  • -h, --host=HOST - Elasticsearch node to connect to. Default: localhost
  • -p, --port=PORT - HTTP port to connect to. Default: 9200
  • -v, --verbose - Show verbose output. In most commands this is represented by column headings. Not supported by all commands.

Cluster Health

This subcommand will print the cluster health out to the screen.

    $ estool health

More options can be listed with $ estool health -h


This subcommand is used to interact with the Cluster Indices.

Currently supports following actions:

  • list indices
  • create/delete/close indices

Create a new index:

    $ estool index create --name=index1

Delete an index:

    $ estool index delete --name=index1

Close an index:

    $ estool index close --name=index1

Show indices:

the index subcommand defaults to the show command, so you can get a list of indices simply by running:

    $ estool index


This subcommand is used to interact with Index aliases within the cluster.

Currently supported actions:

  • list aliases
  • create/delete aliases

Create a new alias:

    $ estool aliases create -i index1 -n test_index

Delete an alias:

    $ estool aliases delete -i index1 -n test_index

List aliases:

    $ estool aliases

Like the estool index command, estool aliases defaults to listing the aliases for all indices.

List aliases for an index:

    $ estool aliases list -i index1


See LICENSE file.
