Etherscan Lite

etherscan-lite - light-weight machinery / helper for the Etherscan (blockchain) JSON HTTP API / web services (note: API key sign-up required)


Step 0 - Setup - Configure ETHERSCAN API Key

The etherscan lite machinery will (auto-magically) lookup the ETHERSCAN_KEY environment variable or will load a dotenv file (.env) in the working / current directory or use in your script:

Etherscan.config.key = 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'

# or

Etherscan.configure do |config|
  config.key = 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'

Etherscan API Recipes

Let's try the "official" recipes from the Eherscan API docu

  • Get All USDT Transfers from Binance
  • Get the Latest Moonbird Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Transfers
  • List ETH deposits to Arbitrum Bridge

Get All USDT Transfers from Binance


require 'etherscan-lite'

USDT_ADDRESS       = '0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7'
BINANCE_HOT_WALLET = '0xdfd5293d8e347dfe59e90efd55b2956a1343963d'

data = Etherscan.tokentx( address: BINANCE_HOT_WALLET,
                          contractaddress: USDT_ADDRESS )
pp data

resulting in:

[{"blockNumber": "16191306",
  "timeStamp": "1671121931",
  "hash": "0x77361870fdc3046f7c24cabafa7185a84d60f4fa12aef8363e8520fbdd003cc7",
  "nonce": "4866500",
  "blockHash": "0x1f5d2e10774bd5473257ad0f47d08b3e523e3baace6f0218bce8aab62e90ec67",
  "from": "0xdfd5293d8e347dfe59e90efd55b2956a1343963d",
  "contractAddress": "0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7",
  "to": "0x40fbc37ff0e4d3f900b867f2ca48ae6aba77c854",
  "value": "495264069",
  "tokenName": "Tether USD",
  "tokenSymbol": "USDT",
  "tokenDecimal": "6",
  "transactionIndex": "44",
  "gas": "207128",
  "gasPrice": "31567202036",
  "gasUsed": "63197",
  "cumulativeGasUsed": "5207555",
  "input": "deprecated",
  "confirmations": "3"},
 {"blockNumber": "16191304",
  "timeStamp": "1671121907",
  "hash": "0xd3d529d0d420e38680ad9066a5d62434a04b01e94b00b81fc5fea303afbda076",
  "nonce": "4866498",
  "blockHash": "0x9b2dfbfd068c90546c7572bc059cd790e12eb6b9f9b21a3c7c33e0abd8d69d6c",
  "from": "0xdfd5293d8e347dfe59e90efd55b2956a1343963d",
  "contractAddress": "0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7",
  "to": "0xf7140bb010da74a191e3c98f801e596937f177fb",
  "value": "4496800000",
  "tokenName": "Tether USD",
  "tokenSymbol": "USDT",
  "tokenDecimal": "6",
  "transactionIndex": "57",
  "gas": "207128",
  "gasPrice": "32759178674",
  "gasUsed": "46109",
  "cumulativeGasUsed": "3775818",
  "input": "deprecated",
  "confirmations": "5"},

and let's pretty print the data (records):

data.each_with_index do |h,i|
  timestamp = h['timeStamp'].to_i ).utc

  decimal = h['tokenDecimal'].to_i
  value = h['value'].to_i

  major = value / (10**decimal)
  minor = value % (10**decimal)

  print "  [#{i}] #{timestamp} -  "
  print "#{h['tokenName']} (#{h['tokenSymbol']}) "
  print "%6d.%0#{decimal}d" % [major, minor]
  print " (#{value}) - "
  print "from: #{h['from'][0..10]}  "
  print "to: #{h['to'][0..10]} - "
  print "txid: #{h['hash'][0..8]}"
  print "\n"

resulting in:

[0] 2022-12-15 16:32:11 UTC -  Tether USD (USDT)    495.264069 (495264069) - from: 0xdfd5293d8  to: 0x40fbc37ff - txid: 0x7736187
[1] 2022-12-15 16:31:47 UTC -  Tether USD (USDT)   4496.800000 (4496800000) - from: 0xdfd5293d8  to: 0xf7140bb01 - txid: 0xd3d529d
[2] 2022-12-15 16:31:11 UTC -  Tether USD (USDT)   1496.800000 (1496800000) - from: 0xdfd5293d8  to: 0xcab0e46b1 - txid: 0x0b7986d
[3] 2022-12-15 16:31:11 UTC -  Tether USD (USDT)    122.800000 (122800000) - from: 0xdfd5293d8  to: 0xcc38c0e6f - txid: 0x8894af7
[4] 2022-12-15 16:30:35 UTC -  Tether USD (USDT)  22953.971400 (22953971400) - from: 0xdfd5293d8  to: 0xccb95ec69 - txid: 0x0bb6b75
[5] 2022-12-15 16:30:11 UTC -  Tether USD (USDT)    254.743920 (254743920) - from: 0xdfd5293d8  to: 0x68f2a6311 - txid: 0xf691bed
[6] 2022-12-15 16:29:35 UTC -  Tether USD (USDT)    548.950317 (548950317) - from: 0xdfd5293d8  to: 0xaa00cd50e - txid: 0x847854b
[7] 2022-12-15 16:29:11 UTC -  Tether USD (USDT)  33667.697868 (33667697868) - from: 0xdfd5293d8  to: 0xcfb27a23f - txid: 0x7a2390d
[8] 2022-12-15 16:28:59 UTC -  Tether USD (USDT)  48126.270731 (48126270731) - from: 0xdfd5293d8  to: 0x09857b83a - txid: 0x0653035
[9] 2022-12-15 16:28:35 UTC -  Tether USD (USDT)  15996.800000 (15996800000) - from: 0xdfd5293d8  to: 0xd8d6ffe34 - txid: 0xb02d04b

Get the Latest Moonbird Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Transfers


require 'etherscan-lite'

MOONBIRDS_ADDRESS = '0x23581767a106ae21c074b2276D25e5C3e136a68b'

data = Etherscan.tokennfttx( contractaddress: MOONBIRDS_ADDRESS )
pp data

resulting in:

[{"blockNumber": "16191303",
  "timeStamp": "1671121895",
  "hash": "0xf049e3247e19e2eca1971f6daa38e7310bf2705b7da6347b9801122eef57f30e",
  "nonce": "16348",
  "blockHash": "0x2ec6abfc229cb61b7a851d9e078e93681634cf0b2b3390a54f6fa21e8d10cd04",
  "from": "0x8ae57a027c63fca8070d1bf38622321de8004c67",
  "contractAddress": "0x23581767a106ae21c074b2276d25e5c3e136a68b",
  "to": "0xdc3276739390e3fdf7929056593d2ce316ebcfa8",
  "tokenID": "2934",
  "tokenName": "Moonbirds",
  "tokenSymbol": "MOONBIRD",
  "tokenDecimal": "0",
  "transactionIndex": "150",
  "gas": "168819",
  "gasPrice": "30350829601",
  "gasUsed": "64019",
  "cumulativeGasUsed": "16664047",
  "input": "deprecated",
  "confirmations": "25"},
 {"blockNumber": "16191297",
  "timeStamp": "1671121823",
  "hash": "0xb341b32b2c8904733c05648f67c09c99602a22b454f6f99b68746eb204c8f235",
  "nonce": "4310",
  "blockHash": "0x8774a12b660e59586ae94af1670362d2c73d09c94230f236859548ae0768f387",
  "from": "0x8bc110db7029197c3621bea8092ab1996d5dd7be",
  "contractAddress": "0x23581767a106ae21c074b2276d25e5c3e136a68b",
  "to": "0x6ce2eb1c3006850ebbb97499f1a25b8ce6c01a44",
  "tokenID": "9836",
  "tokenName": "Moonbirds",
  "tokenSymbol": "MOONBIRD",
  "tokenDecimal": "0",
  "transactionIndex": "15",
  "gas": "3576346",
  "gasPrice": "35958543341",
  "gasUsed": "2751035",
  "cumulativeGasUsed": "3999647",
  "input": "deprecated",
  "confirmations": "31"},

and let's pretty print the data (records):

data.each_with_index do |h,i|
  timestamp = h['timeStamp'].to_i ).utc

  print "  [#{i}] #{timestamp} -  "
  print "#{h['tokenName']} #{h['tokenID']} - "
  print "from: #{h['from'][0..10]}  "
  print "to: #{h['to'][0..10]} - "
  print "txid: #{h['hash'][0..8]}"
  print "\n"

resulting in:

[0] 2022-12-15 16:31:35 UTC -  Moonbirds 2934 - from: 0x8ae57a027  to: 0xdc3276739 - txid: 0xf049e32
[1] 2022-12-15 16:30:23 UTC -  Moonbirds 9836 - from: 0x8bc110db7  to: 0x6ce2eb1c3 - txid: 0xb341b32
[2] 2022-12-15 16:30:23 UTC -  Moonbirds 9378 - from: 0x8bc110db7  to: 0x6ce2eb1c3 - txid: 0xb341b32
[3] 2022-12-15 16:30:23 UTC -  Moonbirds 9059 - from: 0x8bc110db7  to: 0x6ce2eb1c3 - txid: 0xb341b32
[4] 2022-12-15 16:30:23 UTC -  Moonbirds 8199 - from: 0x8bc110db7  to: 0x6ce2eb1c3 - txid: 0xb341b32
[5] 2022-12-15 16:30:23 UTC -  Moonbirds 7800 - from: 0x8bc110db7  to: 0x6ce2eb1c3 - txid: 0xb341b32
[6] 2022-12-15 16:30:23 UTC -  Moonbirds 5952 - from: 0x8bc110db7  to: 0x6ce2eb1c3 - txid: 0xb341b32
[7] 2022-12-15 16:30:23 UTC -  Moonbirds 5868 - from: 0x8bc110db7  to: 0x6ce2eb1c3 - txid: 0xb341b32
[8] 2022-12-15 16:30:23 UTC -  Moonbirds 5853 - from: 0x8bc110db7  to: 0x6ce2eb1c3 - txid: 0xb341b32
[9] 2022-12-15 16:30:23 UTC -  Moonbirds 501 - from: 0x8bc110db7  to: 0x6ce2eb1c3 - txid: 0xb341b32

List ETH deposits to Arbitrum Bridge


require 'etherscan-lite'

ARBITRUM_DELAYED_INBOX = '0x4dbd4fc535ac27206064b68ffcf827b0a60bab3f'

data = Etherscan.txlist( address: ARBITRUM_DELAYED_INBOX )
pp data

resulting in:

[{"blockNumber": "16191330",
  "timeStamp": "1671122219",
  "hash": "0xea692b153ec048322dd6dc0a42fba45a0f06b2bd0e6888c7e42edbc629689f00",
  "nonce": "998",
  "blockHash": "0x3c3a23b78fd1522f9f9ed5a1fc45d5a7d1d71327961c77d164c0eeb1e72b4322",
  "transactionIndex": "244",
  "from": "0xae4705dc0816ee6d8a13f1c72780ec5021915fed",
  "to": "0x4dbd4fc535ac27206064b68ffcf827b0a60bab3f",
  "value": "420690000000000000",
  "gas": "92219",
  "gasPrice": "26218969764",
  "isError": "0",
  "txreceipt_status": "1",
  "input": "0x439370b1",
  "contractAddress": "",
  "cumulativeGasUsed": "18496407",
  "gasUsed": "91261",
  "confirmations": "16",
  "methodId": "0x439370b1",
  "functionName": "depositEth()"},
 {"blockNumber": "16191327",
  "timeStamp": "1671122183",
  "hash": "0x8a82fc0e7ac1fb588f1ee248810d518bc03dfb4e938160c6502f949fcc16054c",
  "nonce": "2",
  "blockHash": "0xb533b2cd157369414839c58b74319bf32400dd6521b5d945eb7ac405d0600203",
  "transactionIndex": "78",
  "from": "0x338b8d83e644689a0ea90f04e0efa144fccfb3c7",
  "to": "0x4dbd4fc535ac27206064b68ffcf827b0a60bab3f",
  "value": "19000000000000000",
  "gas": "92219",
  "gasPrice": "29492008048",
  "isError": "0",
  "txreceipt_status": "1",
  "input": "0x439370b1",
  "contractAddress": "",
  "cumulativeGasUsed": "7020870",
  "gasUsed": "91261",
  "confirmations": "19",
  "methodId": "0x439370b1",
  "functionName": "depositEth()"},

and let's pretty print the data (records):

data.each_with_index do |h,i|
  timestamp = h['timeStamp'].to_i ).utc

  ## note: ether (ETH) uses 18 decimal
                 ## e.g. 0.000000000000000001 (= 1 wei)
  decimal = 18
  value = h['value'].to_i

  major = value / (10**decimal)
  minor = value % (10**decimal)

  print "  [#{i}] #{timestamp} -  "
  print "#{h['functionName']} "
  print "%3d.%0#{decimal}d" % [major, minor]
  print " (#{value}) - "
  print "from: #{h['from'][0..10]}  "
  print "to: #{h['to'][0..10]} - "
  print "txid: #{h['hash'][0..8]}"
  print "\n"

resulting in:

[0] 2022-12-15 16:36:59 UTC -  depositEth()   0.420690000000000000 (420690000000000000) - from: 0xae4705dc0  to: 0x4dbd4fc53 - txid: 0xea692b1
[1] 2022-12-15 16:36:23 UTC -  depositEth()   0.019000000000000000 (19000000000000000) - from: 0x338b8d83e  to: 0x4dbd4fc53 - txid: 0x8a82fc0
[2] 2022-12-15 16:35:23 UTC -  depositEth()   0.040000000000000000 (40000000000000000) - from: 0x63e1c7edc  to: 0x4dbd4fc53 - txid: 0x46bc422
[3] 2022-12-15 16:34:23 UTC -  depositEth()   0.003330000000000000 (3330000000000000) - from: 0xe29abe7f8  to: 0x4dbd4fc53 - txid: 0x2fbd49e
[4] 2022-12-15 16:34:23 UTC -  depositEth()   0.022398548608559353 (22398548608559353) - from: 0x3dbcf6a3d  to: 0x4dbd4fc53 - txid: 0xc311e3f
[5] 2022-12-15 16:32:23 UTC -  depositEth()   0.195713000000000000 (195713000000000000) - from: 0xc7099c3ed  to: 0x4dbd4fc53 - txid: 0x4a2f2e4
[6] 2022-12-15 16:31:23 UTC -  depositEth()   0.100000000000000000 (100000000000000000) - from: 0x78cea29ac  to: 0x4dbd4fc53 - txid: 0xedc3793
[7] 2022-12-15 16:28:35 UTC -  depositEth()   2.406000000000000000 (2406000000000000000) - from: 0xa59192967  to: 0x4dbd4fc53 - txid: 0xde20917
[8] 2022-12-15 16:28:23 UTC -  depositEth()   0.030000000000000000 (30000000000000000) - from: 0x03a64c941  to: 0x4dbd4fc53 - txid: 0xc813c01
[9] 2022-12-15 16:27:35 UTC -  depositEth()   0.004000000000000000 (4000000000000000) - from: 0x614d071bf  to: 0x4dbd4fc53 - txid: 0xb24df57

and so on.


The scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.

Questions? Comments?

Post them on the D.I.Y. Punk (Pixel) Art reddit. Thanks.