Module: Eve::Trust

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The primary purpose for the ActionController is to figure out which View should be rendered, and what data to send to that View. In keeping with this design, a few helper methods have been established that allow you to establish trust with the In-Game Browser (IGB), which in turn provides access to more useful information such as the player’s current location. To establish trust with a compatible browser, simply add one line to your controller:

class AnyController < ApplicationController

This will cause the in-game browser to prompt the user, asking him/her to complete the handshake. If they refuse, the page will not load. To establish optional trust – that is, to allow the page to load even if the user hasn’t granted the trust request – you can use prefers_trust instead:

class AnyController < ApplicationController

Both methods also accept a custom trust request message that will be shown to the user when they are prompted:

class AnyController < ApplicationController
  prefers_trust "To take full advantage of the features on this site, please grant this trust request."

IGB Headers

After trust has been established, the IGB sends additional content headers to the server with every request. These headers contain the most up-to-date information regarding the current user, his/her location, his/her character ID, and so on. The character ID could, for example, be used in conjunction with Eve::API to show the character’s portrait in a forum.

To gain access to this extra information, use the igb method:

class AnyController < ApplicationController
  . . .
  def index
    if igb? && igb.trusted?                  # if the client is using the IGB and trust has been established
      @solar_system = igb.solar_system_name  # then make a note of the current solar system
      @character_id = igb.character_id       # and the character ID
      . . .                                  # handle a non-IGB browser such as Internet Explorer or Firefox.

To find out which methods are exposed by the igb method, take a look at Eve::Trust::IgbInterface.

View Format

In Rails, the View is usually rendered in HTML format. That means the view template is usually called some_action_name.html.erb , where “some_action_name” is the name of the current action and “html” is the file format. This library exposes a new format, “igb”, which allows you to render an IGB-specific response. This response is expected to be in IGB-compatible HTML format. Here’s an example of what an IGB file might look like:

<%=link_to_evemail "Check Your Mail!"%>
<%if igb.trusted?%>
  <p>Thanks for your trust! I see you're currently in <%=igb.solar_system_name%>.</p>
  <p>Here's some information about our secret headquarters:</p>
    <li><%=link_to_route "Click For Directions", "Jita"%></li>
    <li><%=link_to_map "Show On Map", "Jita"%></li>

For more information about the various helpers available to your IGB-specific views, take a look at Eve::Helpers::JavascriptHelper.

If the client is using the EVE In-Game Browser, then the “action_name.igb.erb” file will be automatically used, provided it exists. If the matching file is not found, then “action_name.html.erb” will be used in its place, just as if the client were using any other browser such as Internet Explorer or Firefox. You can also explicitly require that the .igb file be rendered using the set_igb method:

class AnyController < ApplicationController
  before_filter :check_for_igb_requirement
  def check_for_igb_requirement
    if (some_condition)
      set_igb # force the IGB template for this action to be rendered

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: ControllerHelpers Classes: IgbInterface