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Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'external_api_service'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install external_api_service


To use, you need to require the service module wherever you are wanting to use it:

require ‘ExternalApiService’


To make a GET request, you need an endpoint (required), and any query params in a Hash (optional). The endpoint must return JSON. It will work with HTTPS or HTTP. Call get_service:

# no params
url = ''

# with params
url = “https://my.endpoint/path”
params = { sample_category: “sample_category_name” }
ExternalApiService.get_service(url, params)

get_service will transform the JSON to Ruby Hash with symbolized names:

# First entry from the Chicago Problem Landlord List in Array of Hashes ('')

[{:respondent=>”Ravine Properties, LLC”, :secondary_address=>”5849 W ARTHINGTON ST”,
:location=>{:needs_recoding=>false, :longitude=>”-87.7716557532”, :latitude=>”41.8690630014”},
:census_tracts=>”17031831400”, :census_blocks=>”170318314002042”, :x_coordinate=>”1137233.9789750562”,
:street_block_id=>”7445”, :ward=>”29”, :address=>”1001 S MAYFIELD AVE”, :y_coordinate=>”1895377.068646989”,
:community_area=>”AUSTIN”, :longitude=>”-87.7716557532”, :latitude=>”41.8690630014”, :community_area_number=>”25”}]


To make a POST request, you need an endpoint (required), the data you want to post, and authentication. Right now it only supports basic auth.
The endpoint must accept and return JSON.

There is a header param available, but it is optional, and Net/HTTP handles most of it behind the scenes.

#example: Add a subscriber to your Mailchimp Account (Api V3)
auth = {'api_key': '123key'}
optional_header = {}
data_to_post: {'email' => '[email protected]', 'status' => 'subscribed'}
endpoint = ''
ExternalApiService.post_service(endpoint, data_to_post, auth, optional_header)

Note: You have to have the trailing '/' for the path for Ruby to POST properly e.g. (I think)

post_service will return the body of the response in a Ruby hash with symbolized keys.


If you want to fire it up, you can run bin/console from the command line to launch it. You still need require ExternalApiService, but you can see it in action.


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/external_api_service/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request