
We need a simply way to anonymize data for exporting to various departments for analytics and troubleshooting. This tool allows us to annotate a DB schema with special comments that can trigger different data mutations

Workflow with Fake Pipe

Here's how FakePipe could work in a project's lifecycle. These steps assume you're using Postgres database:

  1. Add comment to table column: COMMENT ON COLUMN user.phone IS 'anon: phone_number';.
  2. Pipe DB dump to fake_pipe: pg_dump my_db | fake_pipe > anon-db-dump.sql.
  3. Send anon-db-dump.sql to needy people.

Comment Dialect

Schema columns comments are in YAML format. Using some of it's option quoting, it can look very much like JSON. The reason it was chosen over JSON is for the optional quotes. That means the following syntax will resolve to the same Ruby definition:

color: red
width: 100
{color: "red", width: 100}

For single options, the quotes can be omitted: color: red.

Any keys unknown by FakePipe will be ignored. So annotations from other system shouldn't interfere. We do hope the abbreviated YAML syntax is simple to parse by all systems.

Currently Support Mutation Methods

To get a current list try running rake methods from terminal.

$ rake methods
anon: address_city          # Faker::Address.city
anon: address_country       # Faker::Address.country
anon: address_line_1        # Faker::Address.street_address
anon: address_line_2        # Faker::Address.secondary_address
anon: address_postcode      # Faker::Address.postcode
anon: address_state         # Faker::Address.state
anon: bank_name             # Faker::Bank.name
anon: bcrypt_password       # bcrypt password as 'password'
anon: bcrypt_salt           # bcrypt salt used to generate password
anon: clean_phone_number    # Faker::PhoneNumber 10-digits only
anon: company_catch_phrase  # Faker::Company.catch_phrase
anon: company_name          # Faker::Company.name
anon: email                 # Faker email
anon: empty_bracket         # an empty bracket '[]' - good for json::array objects
anon: empty_curly           # an empty curly brace '{}' - good for json object and array fields
anon: empty_string          # an empty String
anon: first_name            # Faker::Name.first_name
anon: full_name             # Faker::Name.full_name
anon: guid                  # UUID
anon: last_name             # Faker::Name.last_name
anon: latitude              # Faker::Address.latitude
anon: longitude             # Faker::Address.longitude
anon: lorem_paragraph       # Faker::Lorem.paragraph
anon: lorem_sentence        # Faker::Lorem.sentence
anon: lorem_word            # Faker::Lorem.word
anon: md5                   # MD5 hash of cell contents
anon: phone_ext             # Faker::PhoneNumber.extension
anon: phone_number          # Faker::PhoneNumber with punctuation and extensions
anon: ugcid                 # Six random uppercase letters followed by four random numbers - ex. 'ABCDEF1234'
anon: url                   # Faker::Internet.url
anon: user_name             # Faker::Internet.user_name
anon: uuid                  # UUID
anon: zip_code              # Faker::Address.zip_code


  • 2016-06-08
    • parsing SQL file is okay for now. Reconsider using a temp DB when foreign keys need to be scrambled
    • MD5sum foreign keys


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fake_pipe'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fake_pipe



After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/ddrscott/fake_pipe.


Thanks to the following contributors:


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.