
This gem makes creating self-referential parent child relationships on a model easy. So for a Person model you have person.parent and person.children where the parent and children are also people.

You also get the following instance methods:

  • descendents
  • elders
  • siblings
  • family
  • master - the 'oldest' in the family

and the class method:

  • masters - everyone without a parent

Standard stuff I know but...

Everyone of the methods above works with a single call to the data base!!!

This is a huge performance gain. In fact, being able build the above methods with a single database call was the entire motivation for gemifiying something that otherwise was entirely straight forward. It should be noted that this was built the day after reading this.

WARNING: This project is still in development
[x] create relationship concern
[X] create generators for relationship models
[X] check that it works with engines
[ ] generate data for testapp
[ ] tests tests tests
[ ] refactor concern
[ ] add babies methods (class and instance)?


You must be using a postgres data base... thats where the single-db-query magic happens.


familyable gem will be comming soon for now get it from this repo.. actually its too soon to use it - but soon!!!


Example: Adding Relationships to an existing Person model:

Step 1: Generate Relationship Model
$  bundle exec rails g familyable:relationships Person
$  bundle exec rake db:migrate

Note: For use with Rails Engines use the full model name from the the root of your Engine directory.

$  bundle exec rails g familyable:relationships MyEngine::Person
Step 2: Add Relationships Concern to Model


class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
    include Familyable::Relationships
Step 3: You're done! start coding

quick note: all the instance methods above (accept for master) take an optional parameter include_self=false. it does what you exactly what you think.
