

  • websocket client and server out of the box. ./javascript folder there is compatible client implementation that works in most browsers with WebSocket support. Just add it to you web project and enjoy.

  • buffering of incoming data in transport to not loose incoming packets beofre Endpoint is connected


The simple and elegant cross-platform RPC protocol that uses any formatter/transport capable of transmitting dictionary-like objects, for example, JSON, BOSS, XML, BSON and many others. This gem provides out of the box JSON and BOSS protocols and websockets (clientm server, and javascript version for the browser or mayme some node app), EventMachine channels, streams and sockets.

There is also optional support for eventmachine based wbesocket server and regular client websocket connection. All you need is to include gem 'em-websocket' and/or gem 'websocket-client-simple'. All websocket implementations use JSON encoding to vbe interoperable with most web allications.

We do not include them in the dependencies because eventmachine is big and does not work with jruby, and websocket client is not always needed and we are fond of minimizing dependencies.

RPC is made asynchronously, each call can have any return values. While one call is waiting, other calls can be executed. The protocol is bidirectional Call parameters could be both arrays of arguments and keyword arguments, return value could be any object, e.g. array, dictionary, wahtever.

Exception/errors transmitting is also supported. The interface is very simple and rubyish. The protocol is very easy to implement if there is no implementation, see Farcall protocol specification. Java library for Android and desktop is ready upon request (leave me a task or a message in th github).


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'farcall'
    # If you want to use binary-effective boss encoding, uncomment:
    # gem 'boss-protocol', '>= 1.4.1'
    # if you want to use eventmachine and server websocket, uncomment:
    # gem 'em-websocket' 
    # To use websocket client, uncomment
    # gem 'websocket-client-simple'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install farcall


    # The sample class that exports all its methods to the remote callers:
    class TestProvider < Farcall::Provider

      attr :foo_calls, :a, :b

      def foo a, b, optional: 'none'
        @foo_calls = (@foo_calls || 0) + 1
        @a, @b     = a, b
        return "Foo: #{a+b}, #{optional}"

    # create instance and export it to some connected socket:
    TestProvider.new socket: connected_socket # default format is JSON

    # or using boss, if you need to pass dates and binary data
    TestProvider.new socket: connected_socket, format: :boss

Farcall::Provider provides easy constructors to use it with the transport or the endpoint. If you need to implement farcall over somw other media, just extend TestTransport and provide send_data and call on_received_data when need. It's very simple and straightforward.

Consult online documentation for Transport and Provider for more.

In the most common case you just have to connect two sockets, in which case everythng works right out of the box. Suppose whe have some socket connected to one above, then TestProvider methods are available via this connection:

    i = Farcall::Interface.new socket: client_socket
    # or
    # i = Farcall::Interface.new socket: client_socket, format: :boss

    # Plain arguments
    i.foo(10, 20).should == 'Foo: 30, none'

    # Plain and keyword arguments
    i.foo(5, 6, optional: 'yes!').should == 'Foo: 11, yes!'

    # the exceptions on the remote side are conveyed:
    expect(-> { i.foo() }).to raise_error Farcall::RemoteError

    # new we can read results from the remote side state:
    i.a.should == 5
    i.b.should == 6

More creation options ofr both provider and interface creation are:

  • endpoint: at this point please refrain of using it as endpoint interface is going to change a bit
  • transport: subclass the Farcall::Transport and provide your own. It overrides socket:, input: and ouput: parameters.
  • input: and output: should be presented both or none - override socket - provide streams to build the transport over.

guessing JSON or BOSS

Each one has its pros and contras.

JSON is widely accepted, and there is a JSON support in literally any platform. It is to some extent human readable (well, without line breaks - almost not ;). Still, it has no support for data date/time types so you should convert them somehow, its support for UTF8 is a myth (almost everywhere almost all UTF8 characters are escaped so the text gets many times bigger when transfering). The binary data has to be converted to some text form too, like base64. All this compensate its goods. The same, except for UTF8, is right for XML.

BOSS is not widely used, and known to me implementations exist only for Ruby, Java, Python and I've heard of ObjectiveC implementation. But it is very space- effective, can effectively transfer binary data, date/time objects and unlimited length integer out of the box. If caches string so when passing large object trees with same keys it provides very effective data. It is even more comact that Python's pickle, Ruby's marshalled objects and Java serialized data. Ideal to fast command transfering when reaction time matters, or network speed is low.

So, I would recommend:

  • of you transfer small data portions limited to JSON data types, use JSON

  • if you transfer UTF8 texts with national characters, use BOSS

  • if you transfer audio, video, images, large arrays and hashes - use BOSS

  • if you need BOSS but can't find it on your platform, use both and contact me :)

Usage with eventmacine

You can use EmFarcall::Endpoint widely as it uses a pair of EM::Channel as a trasnport, e.g. it could be easily connected to any evented data source.



  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/farcall/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Do not forget ot add specs and ensure all of them pass
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create a new Pull Request