Farmbot Resource

Adapter gem for Farmbot Web App API. Currently used in Raspberry Pi controller to support scheduling operations.

Available Resources

  • Sequences
  • Schedules
  • Plants

Need more than what's available? Raise an issue and we can add your resource to the list (PRs are also welcome).


First, you will need an API token.

token = FbResource::Client.get_token(email: '[email protected]',
                                     password: 'shhh...',
                                     # OPTIONAL: Defaults to ""
                                     # if not specified.
                                     url: "http://localhost:3000")
# Returns really long JSON Web Token...
# => 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9....'

Once you have an API token, you can create a 'client'.

client = do |config|
  config.token = token

Client objects can access API resources such as schedules and sequences.

# Simple use case: get all schedules
# Returns array of hashes
schedules = client.schedules.all

# Another use case: cache busting with fetch()
# Results are always cached until fetch() is called
sequences = client.sequences.fetch.all


The Farmbot web app issues an RSA public key. If you need to sign stuff, the key is accessible via client.public_key

See example.rb for a runnable sample.