# Ruby Firebird Extension Library # # Please see the RDoc documentation for API details. # # What follows is a brief overview of how to use this library. # This file is executable. However, you may have to adjust the database connection parameters.

# Load the library

require ‘fb’

# The library contains on module, Fb. # Within Fb are four primary classes, Fb::Database, Fb::Connection, Fb::Cursor and Fb::Error. # For convenience, we’ll include these classes into the current context.

include Fb

# The Database class acts as a factory for Connections. # It can also create and drop databases.

db = Database.new(

:database => "localhost:c:/var/fbdata/readme.fdb",
:username => 'sysdba',
:password => 'masterkey')

# :database is the only parameter without a default.

# Let’s connect to the database, creating it if it doesn’t already exist.

conn = db.connect rescue db.create.connect

# We’ll need to create the database schema if this is a new database.

conn.execute(“CREATE TABLE TEST (ID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, NAME VARCHAR(20))”) if !conn.table_names.include?(“TEST”)

# Let’s insert some test data using a parameterized query. Note the use of question marks for place holders.

10.times {|id| conn.execute(“INSERT INTO TEST VALUES (?, ?)”, id, “John #{id}”) }

# Here we’ll conduct a spot check of the data we have just inserted.

ary = conn.query(“SELECT * FROM TEST WHERE ID = 0 OR ID = 9”) ary.each {|row| puts “ID: #{row}, Name: #1” }

# Don’t like tying yourself down to column offsets?

ary = conn.query(:hash, “SELECT * FROM TEST WHERE ID = 0 OR ID = 9”) ary.each {|row| puts “ID: #{row}, Name: #'NAME'” }

# Let’s change all the names.

total_updated = 0 conn.execute(“SELECT ID FROM TEST”) do |cursor|

cursor.each do |row|
  updated = conn.execute("UPDATE TEST SET NAME = ? WHERE ID = ?", "John Doe #{row[0]}", row[0])
  total_updated += updated

end puts “We updated a total of #total_updated rows.”

# Actually, I only need the first and last rows.

deleted = conn.execute(“DELETE FROM TEST WHERE ID > ? AND ID < ?”, 0, 9) puts “Expecting to delete 8 rows, we have deleted #deleted.”

# Using a simple, per-connection transaction strategy, we’ll demonstrate rollback and commit.


for i in 10..1000

conn.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES (?, ?)", i, "Jane #{i}")


# What was I thinking? Let’s roll that back.


# Are they still there?

janes = conn.query(“SELECT * FROM TEST WHERE ID >= 10”) puts “Expecting zero rows, we find #janesjanes.size Janes.”

# Let’s try again.


10.upto(19) do |i|

conn.execute("INSERT INTO TEST (ID, NAME) VALUES (?, ?)", i, "Sue #{i}")


# That’s more like it.


# It’s important to close your cursor when you’re done with it.

cursor = conn.execute(“SELECT * FROM TEST”) while row = cursor.fetch(:hash)

break if row['NAME'] =~ /e 13/

end cursor.close

# You may find it easier to use a block.

conn.execute(“SELECT * FROM TEST”) do |cursor|

while row = cursor.fetch(:hash)
  break if row['NAME'] =~ /e 13/


# That way the cursor always gets closed, even if an exception is raised. # Transactions work the same way. Here’s one that should work.

conn.transaction do

20.upto(25) do |i|
  conn.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES (?, ?)", i, "George #{i}")


# The transaction is automatically committed if no exception is raised in the block. # We expect trouble in this next example, on account of our primary key.


conn.transaction do
  execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES (0, 'Trouble')")
  puts "This line should never be executed."


puts "Rescued."


# Is it there?

trouble = conn.query(“SELECT * FROM TEST WHERE NAME = ‘Trouble’”) puts “Expecting zero rows, we find #troubletrouble.size ‘Trouble’ rows.”

# How about demonstrating a more advanced transaction? # First, we’ll start a snapshot transaction. # This should give us a consistent view of the database.

conn.transaction(“SNAPSHOT”) do

# Then, we’ll open another connection to the database and insert some rows.

Database.connect(:database => "localhost:c:/var/fbdata/readme.fdb") do |conn2|
  for i in 100...110
    conn2.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES (?, ?)", i, "Hi #{i}")

# Now, let’s see if we see them.

hi = conn.query("SELECT * FROM TEST WHERE ID >= ?", 100)
puts "Expecting zero rows, we find #{hi.size} Hi rows."


# Now we will try our example again, only with a READ COMMITTED transaction.

conn.transaction(“READ COMMITTED”) do

# Then, we’ll open another connection to the database and insert some rows.

Database.connect(:database => "localhost:c:/var/fbdata/readme.fdb") do |conn2|
  for i in 200...210
    conn2.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES (?, ?)", i, "Hello #{i}")

# Now, let’s see if we see them.

hello = conn.query("SELECT * FROM TEST WHERE ID >= ?", 200)
puts "Expecting ten rows, we find #{hello.size}."


# Don’t forget to close up shop.


# We could have called conn.drop. # We could still call db.drop