
fedtechjobber is a simple command line Ruby program that queries the USAJobs API for open tech federal job postings and generates/emails an HTML report displaying available job data along with any available agency GitHub profiles (via USA.gov's Social Media API - http://registry.usa.gov/accounts?service_id=github). The following (optional) search criteria from USAJobs can be used (https://data.usajobs.gov/Rest):

  • Job title
  • Min salary
  • State
  • Country
  • Min grade
  • Keywords

If you want the results emailed:

  • Gmail user id
  • Gmail password
  • To address

Credentials are sent via TLS to Google.

Tested on Ruby 2.0.

Install and Execution

Install as a Ruby gem.

$ gem install fedtechjobber

Execution format:

$ fedtechjobber -t<title, use single quotes if multiple words> -m<min salary> -s<state> -c<country> -g<min grade> -k<keywords, one or more separated with comma for AND search> -o<keywords, one or more separated with comma for OR search> -u<gmail user id> -p<gmail password> -e<email to address>


$ fedtechjobber -t'IT Specialist' -m60000 -c'United States' -opython,ruby,groovy,scala,java -ubob -pbobpasswd [email protected]

Generates a fedtechjobber.html report in the working directory.

Work from source

$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install

Unit test execution

$ rake test