
FeratelCheckApiClient - the Ruby gem for the CheckAPI Standard

This documentation describes your available CheckAPI REST services: Get your checkpoints and their details, check the permission of a customer's ID, take a look at your checkpoint's history - everything a checkpoint needs can be found here in one place.

Please look at the descriptions in each service below.


You can use this automated authentication to try out your activated methods - just click „Authorize“, enter CardAPI credentials and have a try! You received the CardAPI username and password via e-mail – credentials are different from your developer-portal credentials. Authentication is based on OAUTH2 (implicit grant flow) and needs to be implemented and called prior to using any API method. CLIENT_ID
The client ID is pre-filled automatically according to the chosen application. You can find your available client IDs in the \"Applications\" - Area. GRANT_TYPE
With grant_type=password you get an access-token and a refresh-token for your request. The received access token can be used for 10 minutes, there are two ways to renew it. Either you can send the same request again or you can use the grant_type=refresh_token. The refresh token needs to be used every 30 minutes and can provide new access tokens for 10 hours without using your credentials.

This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 1.17.0
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Generator version: 7.8.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen


Build a gem

To build the Ruby code into a gem:

gem build feratel-check-api-client.gemspec

Then either install the gem locally:

gem install ./feratel-check-api-client-1.0.0.gem

(for development, run gem install --dev ./feratel-check-api-client-1.0.0.gem to install the development dependencies)

or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.

Finally add this to the Gemfile:

gem 'feratel-check-api-client', '~> 1.0.0'

Install from Git

If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository: https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID, then add the following in the Gemfile:

gem 'feratel-check-api-client', :git => 'https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git'

Include the Ruby code directly

Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

ruby -Ilib script.rb

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:

# Load the gem
require 'feratel-check-api-client'

# Setup authorization
FeratelCheckApiClient.configure do |config|
  # Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth
  config.access_token = 'YOUR ACCESS TOKEN'
  # Configure a proc to get access tokens in lieu of the static access_token configuration
  config.access_token_getter = -> { 'YOUR TOKEN GETTER PROC' } 

api_instance = FeratelCheckApiClient::CheckResourcesApi.new
tenant_id = 'tenant_id_example' # String | Code of target tenant
check_point_id = '38400000-8cf0-11bd-b23e-10b96e4ef00d' # String | ID of CheckPoint
opts = {
  identifier: 'identifier_example' # String | The Identifier is part of the customer's QR-code / barcode.<br>After scanning this code, provide the complete code-content without trimming!

  result = api_instance.v1_tenant_id_secure_checkpoints_check_point_id_check_get(tenant_id, check_point_id, opts)
  p result
rescue FeratelCheckApiClient::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling CheckResourcesApi->v1_tenant_id_secure_checkpoints_check_point_id_check_get: #{e}"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost

Class Method HTTP request Description
FeratelCheckApiClient::CheckResourcesApi v1_tenant_id_secure_checkpoints_check_point_id_check_get GET /v1/tenantId/secure/checkpoints/checkPointId/check check
FeratelCheckApiClient::CheckResourcesApi v1_tenant_id_secure_checkpoints_check_point_id_check_post POST /v1/tenantId/secure/checkpoints/checkPointId/check check and transaction
FeratelCheckApiClient::CheckResourcesApi v1_tenant_id_secure_checkpoints_check_point_id_check_service_type_id_get GET /v1/tenantId/secure/checkpoints/checkPointId/check/serviceTypeId check based on service
FeratelCheckApiClient::CheckResourcesApi v1_tenant_id_secure_checkpoints_check_point_id_check_service_type_id_post POST /v1/tenantId/secure/checkpoints/checkPointId/check/serviceTypeId check based on service and transaction
FeratelCheckApiClient::CheckResourcesApi v1_tenant_id_secure_checkpoints_check_point_id_get GET /v1/tenantId/secure/checkpoints/checkPointId checkpoint details
FeratelCheckApiClient::CheckResourcesApi v1_tenant_id_secure_checkpoints_check_point_id_history_get GET /v1/tenantId/secure/checkpoints/checkPointId/history transaction history
FeratelCheckApiClient::CheckResourcesApi v1_tenant_id_secure_checkpoints_get GET /v1/tenantId/secure/checkpoints list of checkpoints
FeratelCheckApiClient::SystemResourcesApi v1_tenant_id_secure_system_checkpoint_errors_get GET /v1/tenantId/secure/system/checkpointErrors provides all errors related to the CheckAPI
FeratelCheckApiClient::SystemResourcesApi v1_tenant_id_secure_system_transact_errors_get GET /v1/tenantId/secure/system/transactErrors provides all transactErrors related to the CheckAPI

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:
