Harness CF Ruby Server SDK

Table of Contents

Further Reading
Build Instructions


Harness Feature Flags (FF) is a feature management solution that enables users to change the software’s functionality, without deploying new code. FF uses feature flags to hide code or behaviours without having to ship new versions of the software. A feature flag is like a powerful if statement. * For more information, see https://harness.io/products/feature-flags/ * To read more, see https://ngdocs.harness.io/category/vjolt35atg-feature-flags * To sign up, https://app.harness.io/auth/#/signup/



Ruby 2.7 or newer (ruby –version)


The Feature Flag SDK provides a client that connects to the feature flag service, and fetches the value of feature flags. The following section provides an example of how to install the SDK and initialize it from an application. This quickstart assumes you have followed the instructions to setup a Feature Flag project and have created a flag called harnessappdemodarkmode and created a server API Key.

Install the SDK

Install the ruby SDK using gem bash gem install ff-ruby-server-sdk or by adding the following snippet to your project’s Gemfile file:

gem "ff-ruby-server-sdk"

A Simple Example

Here is a complete example that will connect to the feature flag service and report the flag value every 10 seconds until the connection is closed.
Any time a flag is toggled from the feature flag service you will receive the updated value.

```ruby require ‘ff/ruby/server/sdk/api/config’ require ‘ff/ruby/server/sdk/dto/target’ require ‘ff/ruby/server/sdk/api/cf_client’ require ‘ff/ruby/server/sdk/api/config_builder’

require “logger” require “securerandom”

$stdout.sync = true logger = Logger.new $stdout


apiKey = ENV[‘FF_API_KEY’] || ‘changeme’

Flag Name

flagName = ENV[‘FF_FLAG_NAME’] || ‘harnessappdemodarkmode’

Create a Feature Flag Client and wait for it to initialize

client = CfClient.instance client.init(apiKey, ConfigBuilder.new.logger(logger).build) client.wait_for_initialization

Create a target (different targets can get different results based on rules. This include a custom attribute ‘location’)

target = Target.new(“RubySDK”, identifier=”rubysdk”, attributes=“emea”)

Loop forever reporting the state of the flag

loop do result = client.bool_variation(flagName, target, false) logger.info “Flag variation: #result” sleep 10 end

client.close ```

Running the example

```bash # Install the deps gem install ff-ruby-server-sdk typhoeus

Set your API Key

export FF_API_KEY=

Run the example

ruby ./example/getting_started/getting_started.rb ```

Running with docker

If you don’t have the right version of ruby installed locally, or don’t want to install the dependencies you can use docker to quickly get started

```bash # Install the package docker run -v $(pwd):/app -w /app -e FF_API_KEY=$FF_API_KEY ruby:2.7-buster gem install –install-dir ./gems ff-ruby-server-sdk typhoeus

Run the script

docker run -v $(pwd):/app -w /app -e FF_API_KEY=$FF_API_KEY -e GEM_HOME=/app/gems ruby:2.7-buster ruby ./example/getting_started/getting_started.rb ```

Additional Reading

Further examples and config options are in the further reading section:

Further Reading

Ruby on Rails example

Harness is a feature management platform that helps teams to build better software and to test features quicker.