Module: FFI::OGR::Core

Extended by:
Defined in:

Constant Summary collapse

Err =


The C API defines :OGRErr as a function that returns constants. I’m taking the liberty to turn this into an enum.

WKBGeometryType =
enum FFI::Type::UINT,
:wkbUnknown,                0,
:wkbPoint,                  1,
:wkbLineString,             2,
:wkbPolygon,                3,
:wkbMultiPoint,             4,
:wkbMultiLineString,        5,
:wkbMultiPolygon,           6,
:wkbGeometryCollection,     7,
:wkbNone,                   100,    # non-standard, for pure attribute records
:wkbLinearRing,             101,    # non-standard, just for createGeometry
:wkbPoint25D,               0x8000_0001,
:wkbLineString25D,          0x8000_0002,
:wkbPolygon25D,             0x8000_0003,
:wkbMultiPoint25D,          0x8000_0004,
:wkbMultiLineString25D,     0x8000_0005,
:wkbMultiPolygon25D,        0x8000_0006,
:wkbGeometryCollection25D,  0x8000_0007
WKBVariant =
enum :wkbVariantOgc, :wkbVariantIso
WKBByteOrder =
enum :wkbXDR, 0,
:wkbNDR, 1
FieldType =
enum :OFTInteger, 0,
:OFTIntegerList,     1,
:OFTReal,            2,
:OFTRealList,        3,
:OFTString,          4,
:OFTStringList,      5,
:OFTWideString,      6,
:OFTWideStringList,  7,
:OFTBinary,          8,
:OFTDate,            9,
:OFTTime,            10,
:OFTDateTime,        11,
:OFTInteger64,       12,
:OFTInteger64List,   13,
:OFTMaxType,         13
FieldSubType =
enum :OFSTNone,
Justification =
enum :OJUndefined, 0,
:OJLeft,   1,
:OJRight,  2
STClassId =
enum :OGRSTCNone, 0,
:OGRSTCPen,     1,
:OGRSTCBrush,   2,
:OGRSTCSymbol,  3,
:OGRSTCLabel,   4,
:OGRSTCVector,  5
STUnitId =
enum :OGRSTUGround, 0,
:OGRSTUPixel,   1,
:OGRSTUPoints,  2,
:OGRSTUMM,      3,
:OGRSTUCM,      4,
:OGRSTUInches,  5
STPenParam =
enum :OGRSTPenColor, 0,
:OGRSTPenWidth,       1,
:OGRSTPenPattern,     2,
:OGRSTPenId,          3,
:OGRSTPenPerOffset,   4,
:OGRSTPenPerCap,      5,
:OGRSTPenPerJoin,     6,
:OGRSTPenPerPriority, 7,
:OGRSTPenLast,        8
STBrushParam =
enum :OGRSTBrushFColor, 0,
:OGRSTBrushBColor,    1,
:OGRSTBrushId,        2,
:OGRSTBrushAngle,     3,
:OGRSTBrushSize,      4,
:OGRSTBrushDx,        5,
:OGRSTBrushDy,        6,
:OGRSTBrushPriority,  7,
:OGRSTBrushLast,      8
STSymbolParam =
enum :OGRSTSymbolId, 0,
:OGRSTSymbolAngle,     1,
:OGRSTSymbolColor,     2,
:OGRSTSymbolSize,      3,
:OGRSTSymbolDx,        4,
:OGRSTSymbolDy,        5,
:OGRSTSymbolStep,      6,
:OGRSTSymbolPerp,      7,
:OGRSTSymbolOffset,    8,
:OGRSTSymbolPriority,  9,
:OGRSTSymbolFontName, 10,
:OGRSTSymbolOColor,   11,
:OGRSTSymbolLast,     12
STLabelParam =
enum :OGRSTLabelFontName, 0,
:OGRSTLabelSize,        1,
:OGRSTLabelTextString,  2,
:OGRSTLabelAngle,       3,
:OGRSTLabelFColor,      4,
:OGRSTLabelBColor,      5,
:OGRSTLabelPlacement,   6,
:OGRSTLabelAnchor,      7,
:OGRSTLabelDx,          8,
:OGRSTLabelDy,          9,
:OGRSTLabelPerp,        10,
:OGRSTLabelBold,        11,
:OGRSTLabelItalic,      12,
:OGRSTLabelUnderline,   13,
:OGRSTLabelPriority,    14,
:OGRSTLabelStrikeout,   15,
:OGRSTLabelStretch,     16,
:OGRSTLabelAdjHor,      17,
:OGRSTLabelAdjVert,     18,
:OGRSTLabelHColor,      19,
:OGRSTLabelOColor,      20,
:OGRSTLabelLast,        21

Constants do |gen|
  gen.include FFI::GDAL._file_with_constants("ogr_core.h")
  gen.const :ALTER_NAME_FLAG, "%x"
  gen.const :ALTER_TYPE_FLAG, "%x"
  gen.const :ALTER_ALL_FLAG, "%x"

Method Summary

Methods included from Library

attach_function, old_attach_function, unsupported_gdal_functions