
A simple helper aimed at reducing the setup effort needed to create directories, files and file content in the scope of an integration test case.


sudo gem install filetesthelper


require 'rubygems'
require 'filetesthelper'
include FileTestHelper


def test_some_code_that_needs_to_manipulate_some_files
  #Let's say that the current directory here is X

  with_files('dir1/file1' => 'this is file1 content', 'dir1/file2' => 'this is file2 content') do
    #Now the current directory changed to Y which is a new directory
    #created under Dir.tmpdir containing only 'dir1/file1' and 'dir1/file2'.

    #Put some test code here.

  #When we finish we are back at directory X and the Y directory is deleted with all its contents

def test_some_code_that_uses_a_base_directory_other_than_the_temp_dir
  #Let's say that the current directory here is X

  with_files_in_directory('existent_dir', 'dir1/file1' => 'this is file1 content', 'dir1/file2' => 'this is file2 content') do
    #Now the current directory changed to existent_dir which is some existent directory under your system, absolute paths are allowed.
    #The directory contents are 'dir1/file1' and 'dir1/file2' plus anything that existed previously.

    #Put some test code here.

  #When we finish we are back at directory X and the existent_dir directory has our two test files removed

See the specs and the Rubyforge project homepage for more details.