
Nobody is really interested in this gem. Finexclub gem helps us to run and

Signals are saved into MongoDB according to the scheme:

  symbol: 'eurusd'             # Currency pair symbol, eg. 'eurusd', 'gbpusd', etc.
  timeframe: 'h1'              # Timeframe 'h1', 'h4', 'd1'
  starts:  1293447600          # Timestamp when this timeframe slot starts, eg. Dec, 27 11:00:00 
  expires: 1293451200          # Timestamp when this timeframe slot is expired, eg. Dec, 27 12:00:00 
  updated: 1293447840          # UTC timestamp when this timeframe was last updated, eg. Dec, 27 11:04:00
  indicators:                  # Latest data from indicators

    alpha:                     # Alpha: trendline analysis
      updated: 1293447840
      index: 89                # Trend stability index 0..100
      direction: 'up'          # Trend direction 'up', 'down'

    octopus:                   # Octopus: wave based analysis
      updated: 1293447840
      action: 'buy'            # Order 'buy', 'sell', 'hold_buy', 'hold_sell', 'stop'
      take_profit: 1.3350
      profit: 90               # Possible profit in pips 
      stop_loss: 1.3250
      loss: 60                 # Possible loss in pips 
      index: 89                # Wave quality index 0..100; 0 - no wave matches found
      screenshot: '...'        # Path to S3 image

    prognosis:                 # Prognosis: chaos theory based analysis
      updated: 1293447840
      action: 'hold_buy'
      take_profit: 1.3350
      profit: 90
      stop_loss: 1.3250
      loss: 60
      acceleration: 'low'      # 'high', 'low', 'undefined'
      screenshot: '...'

    zeta:                      # Zeta: support & resistance channels
      updated: 1293447840
      up_support: 1.3350       # 0 if no up-channel found
      up_resist: 1.3250        
      down_support: 1.3250     # 0 if no down-channel found 
      down_resist: 1.3250       
      screenshot: '...'

To save a signal it looks for a valid (not expired) chart record in MongoDB that corresponds to the given symbol and timeframe. If chart has expired, it creates a new one with prolongated expiration date to accumulate incoming signals.

Copyright © 2010 Alex Levin. See LICENSE for details.