

Build Status Ebert

Firecord is an ODM (Object-Document-Mapper) framework for Firebase in Ruby.

Connects to the Firebase REST API, (for now) it's totally synchronous and provides similar API to all those classical Ruby ORMs.


You need to download credentials.json for your Firebase project (Firebase console > Project settings > Service accounts > Generate new private key)

require 'firecord'

Firecord.configure do |config|
  config.credentials_file = '/path/to/credentials.json'

class Address
  include Firecord::Record

  root_key 'addresses'

  field :name, :string
  field :location, :string
  field :door_number, :integer
  field :timestamps

address = 'home', location: 'Prerov', door_number: 1)
# => #<Address id=nil name="home" location="Prerov" door_number=1 created_at=nil updated_at=nil>
# => #<Address id="-KdvwtldpM4yVWJfoQIg" name="home" location="Prerov" door_number=1 created_at="2017-02-26T19:44:32+00:00" updated_at=nil>

another_address = Address.find("-KdvwtldpM4yVWJfoQIg")
# => #<Address id="-KgBbL8yedmT88iLmbOE" name="not_home" location="Semice" door_number=2 created_at="2017-02-26T19:33:12+00:00" updated_at=nil>

another_address.door_number = 23
# => 23
# => #<Address id="-KgBbL8yedmT88iLmbOE" name="not_home" location="Semice" door_number=23 created_at="2017-02-26T19:33:12+00:00" updated_at="2017-02-26T19:47:22+00:00">

another_address.update(location: 'Prerov nad Labem')
# => #<Address id="-KgBbL8yedmT88iLmbOE" name="not_home" location="Prerov nad Labem" door_number=23 created_at="2017-02-26T19:33:12+00:00" updated_at="2017-02-26T19:47:22+00:00">

Address.where(name: "not_home", door_number: 23)
# => [#<Address id="-KgBbL8yedmT88iLmbOE" name="not_home" location="Prerov nad Labem" door_number=23 created_at="2017-02-26T19:33:12+00:00" updated_at="2017-02-26T19:47:22+00:00">]

# => [#<Address id="-KdvwtldpM4yVWJfoQIg" name="home" location="Prerov" door_number=1 created_at="2017-02-26T19:44:32+00:00" updated_at=nil>, #<Address id="-KgBbL8yedmT88iLmbOE" name="not_home" location="Prerov nad Labem" door_number=23 created_at="2017-02-26T19:33:12+00:00" updated_at="2017-02-26T19:47:22+00:00">]

# => true

# => [#<Address id="-KgBbL8yedmT88iLmbOE" name="not_home" location="Prerov nad Labem" door_number=23 created_at="2017-02-26T19:33:12+00:00" updated_at="2017-02-26T19:47:22+00:00">]

Current version: 0.2.6

This version adds:

  • Basic retypying/checking of invalid assignments, eg: address.door_number = '23' #=> 23.
  • .where method which for now accepts hash and works only for equality, eg: Address.where(door_number: 23)
  • Adds proper DateTime object for created_at and updated_at fields
  • Adds more 'integration' tests for dummy classes.
  • Introduces Serializer and Deserializer classes.

Roadmap to version 0.3.0

  • [x] Working timestamps
  • [ ] Error handling
  • [x] where method
  • [ ] Test everything
  • [x] Better configuration
  • [x] Documentation
  • [x] Basic type validation
  • [ ] Get rid of nil checks in firebase repo
  • [ ] Add fields: boolean, datetime, time, date, json
  • [ ] Add .delete_all method
  • [ ] Add .create method

Future versions

  • [ ] Add proper validation
  • [ ] Robust persistence state abstraction
  • [ ] Some basic associations
  • [ ] Define nested documents

Version log

0.2.2 codename Spike

This release is not meant to be used by anyone in production. I'm trying to lay down the interface, experiment and learn basics of ORM/ODM by coding and producing something (maybe) usefull. I still need to finalize some functionality, do refactoring and add features.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'firecord'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install firecord


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.