Module: Fix::Matcher Private
This module is part of a private API. You should avoid using this module if possible, as it may be removed or be changed in the future.
All matchers can be used with MUST, MUST_NOT, SHOULD, SHOULD_NOT, and MAY
Collection of expectation matchers. Provides a comprehensive set of matchers for testing different aspects of objects.
The following matchers are available:
Basic Comparison:
eq(expected) # Checks equality using eql?
it MUST eq(42) it MUST eq("hello")
eql(expected) # Alias for eq
be(expected) # Checks exact object identity using equal?
string = "test" it MUST be(string) # Passes only if it's the same object
equal(expected) # Alias for be
Type Checking:
be_an_instance_of(class) # Checks exact class match
it MUST be_an_instance_of(Array)
be_a_kind_of(class) # Checks class inheritance and module inclusion
it MUST be_a_kind_of(Enumerable)
State & Changes:
change(object, method) # Base for checking state changes .by(n) # Exact change by n
it MUST change(user, :points).by(5)
.by_at_least(n) # Minimum change by n
it MUST change(counter, :value).by_at_least(10)
.by_at_most(n) # Maximum change by n
it MUST change(account, :balance).by_at_most(100)
.from(old).to(new) # Change from old to new value
it MUST change(user, :status).from("pending").to("active")
.to(new) # Change to new value
it MUST change(post, :title).to("Updated")
Value Testing:
be_within(delta).of(value) # Checks numeric value within delta
it MUST be_within(0.1).of(3.14)
match(regex) # Tests against regular expression
it MUST match(/^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$/) # SSN format
satisfy { |value| … } # Custom matcher with block
it MUST satisfy { |num| num.even? && num > 0 }
raise_exception(class) # Checks if code raises exception
it MUST raise_exception(ArgumentError) it MUST raise_exception(CustomError, "specific message")
State Testing:
be_true # Tests for true
it MUST be_true # Only passes for true, not truthy values
be_false # Tests for false
it MUST be_false # Only passes for false, not falsey values
be_nil # Tests for nil
it MUST be_nil
Predicate Matchers:
be_* # Matches object.*? method
it MUST be_empty # Calls empty? it MUST be_valid # Calls valid? it MUST be_frozen # Calls frozen?
have_* # Matches object.has_*? method
it MUST have_key(:id) # Calls has_key? it MUST have_errors # Calls has_errors?