


FlashMe simplifies flash messages by consolidating them into a single module where they can be easily edited and stylized.


A quick and dirty way to send a message.

Simple and easy dynamic messages for crud actions

  • FlashMe is smart, and will can automatically build messages for CRUD actions
  • Ex: calling flash_message('alert') will generate a flash message of 'User successfully updated' when called in users#update

Customize messages for unique circumstances

  • Add a new message to /controllers/concerns/flash_me.rb' by adding a method to the file
  • Name the method using the structure 'flash_name_of_method' so FlashMe can find it
  • This method will return a hash containing all of the information about your message
  • 'text' points to the actual content of the message
  • 'type' points to the category of message (e.g. 'alert' or 'success')
  • 'clear' tells FlashMe whether the message will be available to the next action


  1. Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

      gem 'flash_me'
  2. Next execute:

      $ bundle

    Or install it yourself as:

      $ gem install flash_me
  3. Then install the FlashMe Controller Concern

      $ rails g flash_me:install
  4. Finally, include FlashMe in your controllers


  • Kevin J. Storberg, Ooftypop Inc.


We welcome collaboration on all of our open source projects.

When contributing to SnoopDogg, we ask that you:

  • notify us of your intended contribution so we may provide feedback
  • make a PR on Github with a short description of your changes
  • update any relevant documentation


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.