Class: FlexCommerce::ShippingMethod

FlexCommerceApi::ApiBase show all
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A flex commerce OrderShippingMethod model

This model provides access to the flex commerce order shipping methods

It is used much like an active record model.


# Fetching all order shipping methods for a customer account

FlexCommerce::ShippingMethod.all #fetches all order shipping methods(actually the first page in case there are thousands)

Constant Summary

Constants inherited from FlexCommerceApi::BaseResource

FlexCommerceApi::BaseResource::PRIVATE_ATTRIBUTES, FlexCommerceApi::BaseResource::RELATED_META_RESOURCES

Method Summary

Methods inherited from FlexCommerceApi::ApiBase


Methods inherited from FlexCommerceApi::BaseResource

all, append_version, #as_json_api, capture_surrogate_keys, create!, endpoint_version, find, find_all, #freeze, #initialize, load, #meta_attribute, #method_missing, paginate, password, path, #public_attributes, reconfigure, reconfigure_all, reconfigure_api_base, reload_connection_if_required, #save!, username

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from FlexCommerceApi::BaseResource

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class FlexCommerceApi::BaseResource