fluent-plugin-claymore CircleCI

Fluentd parser plugin to extract metrics from Claymore Dual Miner logs


fluentd ruby
>= v0.14.0 >= 2.1
Claymore Dual Miner fluent-plugin-claymore
v10.0 >= v1.0


$ fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-claymore


Use with any input plugins that have parse directive:

# fluentd.conf
  @type tail
  path *.txt
  read_from_head true
  tag claymore.data
    @type claymore
    # zero configuration 🎉

<match **>
  @type stdout

Demo configuration and sample data are available in example.

cd example
fluentd -c fluentd.conf

A production configuration which uses InfluxDB to store time series may look like:

  @type tail
  path path/to/claymore/*_log.txt
  pos_file path/to/pos.pos
  refresh_interval 5
  tag claymore.data
    @type claymore

# re-tag events to use tag names as InfluxDB measurements
<match claymore.data>
  @type rewrite_tag_filter
    key type
    pattern GPU_HASH_RATE
    tag claymore.data.hash_rate
    key type
    pattern GPU_SHARE_FOUND
    tag claymore.data.share_found
    key type
    pattern GPU_TEMP
    tag claymore.data.temperature

<match claymore.data.*>
  @type copy

    @type stdout
    @type influxdb
    host influxdb
    port 8086
    dbname claymore
    # uses fluentd tag when measurement not specified
    # measurement xxx
    time_precision ms
    auto_tags false
    tag_keys ["asset", "gpu", "hostname", "type"]
    sequence_tag _seq
      flush_interval 1


  { "type": "GPU_HASH_RATE", "asset": "SC", "gpu": 1, "hash_rate": 300.583 },
  { "type": "GPU_SHARE_FOUND", "asset": "SC", "gpu": 1, "count": 1 },
  { "type": "TOTAL_HASH_RATE", "asset": "ETH", "hash_rate": 83.153 },
  { "type": "GPU_TEMP", "gpu": 1, "temperature": 47, "old_fan": 0, "new_fan": 75 },
  { "type": "CONNECTION_LOST", "asset": "SC", "count": 1 }


  • The parser plugin only works with input plugins, not filter plugins. This is because filter plugins are unable to yield multiple results unlike input.

  • The claymore logs timestamps is ignored since it excludes the date. Instead the timestamp when the line is read is used.