Datadog plugin for fluentd

fluent-plugin-datadog-log is an output plugin for fluentd which sends logs to Datadog.

<img src=“” alt=“Gem Version” /> <img src=“” alt=“Build Status” />


This gem is hosted at and can be installed using:

$ gem install fluent-plugin-datadog-log

kube-fluentd docker image would also include the gem.


To send logs to Datadog, specify type datadog in a match clause of your fluentd configuration file, for example:

<match **>
  type datadog
  api_key <your api key>
  service myservice
  source mysource
  source_category mysourcecategory
  logset mylogset

‘api_key` can be omitted when the env var named DD_LOG_API_KEY is set instead.

Add ‘log_level debug` to enable debug logging which dumps every payload sent to Datadog.


Copyright 2017 Yusuke KUOKA All rights reserved.


Apache License, Version 2.0