
Gem Version

Using fluent-plugin-logdna, you can send the logs you collect with Fluentd to LogDNA.


  • Requirements:
    • ruby >= 2.3
    • fluentd < 2.0
  • Install Fluentd
    • Download here
    • If using fluentd package manager (td-agent): td-agent-gem install fluent-plugin-logdna
    • To install without td-agent: gem install fluent-plugin-logdna
  • Add the config below to /etc/fluent/fluent.conf. For td-agent, /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf:


Configuration Parameters

  • api_key: Ingestion Key, Required
  • hostname: Hostname, Required
  • app: App Name, Optional
  • mac: MAC Address, Optional
  • ip: IP Address, Optional
  • tags: Comma-Separated List of Tags, Optional
  • request_timeout: HTTPS POST Request Timeout, Optional
    • Note: Supports s and ms Suffices
    • Default: 30 s
  • ingester_domain: Custom Ingester URL, Optional
    • Default: htttps://logs.logdna.com
  • ingester_endpoint: Custom Ingester Endpoint, Optional
    • Default: /logs/ingest

Sample Configuration

<match **>
  @type logdna
  api_key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  hostname "#{Socket.gethostname}"
  app my_app
  mac C0:FF:EE:C0:FF:EE
  tags web,dev
  request_timeout 30000 ms
  ingester_domain https://logs.logdna.com

Line Parameters

The following line parameters can be set to the information coming from each record object:

  • level: Level: record['level'] or record['severity'] or the last tag given in each record
  • file: File Name: set to file given in each record
  • app: App Name: set to either _app or app given in each record
    • Default: app given in the configuration
  • env: Environment Name: set to env given in each record
  • meta: Meta Object: set to meta given in each record

LogDNA Pay-per-gig Pricing

Our paid plans start at $1.25/GB per month, and it's based only on usage. There are no fixed data buckets and all paid plans include all features.

Building a debian package for td-agent

If you use td-agent you can build a debian package instead of installing via td-agent-gem. This requires that td-agent is already installed and that you've installed fpm. Then run make in your git directory.

gem install --no-document fpm
git clone https://github.com/logdna/fluent-plugin-logdna
cd fluent-plugin-logdna
gem build fluent-plugin-logdna.gemspec
fpm --input-type gem --output-type deb \
    --no-auto-depends \
    --no-gem-fix-name \
    --depends 'td-agent > 2' \
    --deb-build-depends 'td-agent > 2' \
sudo dpkg -i fluent-plugin-logdna*.deb

Additional Options

For advanced configuration options, please refer to the buffered output parameters documentation.

Questions or concerns? Contact [email protected].

Contributions are always welcome. See the contributing guide to learn how you can help.